
You can have memory gaps without passing out. This has happened to me, where long stretches of my night were gone, but the people I was hanging out with described me afterwards as alert and verbal

They were at a bar before that. People drink at bars.

I think the big thing is that Biden and Clinton are both important to the DNC and the hashtag resistance. Taking the war in Iraq seriously and holding the warmongers accountable would be bad for Biden and Clinton. There are still a lot of liberal hawks in the party, in the think tanks, and in the media. Rehabilitating

Cats and dogs lick their junk all day in front of everyone. This is a role Louis is uniquely qualified for.

Sean O Neal is about the same age as Melissa Joan Hart, so he definitely remembers.


More like “Here’s how Louis CK skeeted around late night comedy,” am I right?

I’m sorry.

I am going to have a fucking rage stroke and de the next time some hashtag resistance jerk praises George W Bush. W doesn’t stand for Woke. It stands for waterboarding.

Imagine watching Baby Driver now. He doesn’t even have a big role, but reality completely changes his character’s relationship to Baby.

It’s also about weekends. There’s a finite number of them in the year, and the studios have de facto worked out a system where they split the weekends. Every Fox blockbuster is a weekend Disney can’t use.

And the 12 Deadpool books each month.

It depends on the language of the contract. It would have been smart to include a right of first refusal (meaning Marvel (and its successors) would have the right to match a sale). Outright restraints on alienation are historically frowned upon, but that’s eroding and I’m not sure whether that would have been an

If every actor had to speak out about every abuser/ harasser/ predator he or she has worked with every time they comment on something, they’d never be able to finish their statements.

He probably didn’t commit a crime. He maybe committed some torts but the statute of limitations likely already ran. So there won’t be any convictions.

This is a shame. I would like to see Louis repay his debt to the women and to society and resume his career, but we don’t really have a formal way to make that happen.

It would mean never seeing that stupid fucking “look for the helpers” meme after the monthly atrocity.

So silver linings.

Did someone accuse Louis CK of sexual assault?

I would rather have too many laws than be at the mercy of vague, undefined rules.

The 2002 incident took place in Colorado. CRS § 18-3-402 defines sexual assault in Colorado. It requires sexual intrusion or penetration. Intrusion and penetration both require actual contact.

There was video evidence in the earlier stories?

After reading The NY Times article, I’m glad a journalist investigated the rumors.