Semi-related, but guys, seriously...
Semi-related, but guys, seriously...
Okay. I did. That article will start you off nicely. It gives the basic summary of what happened. It’s why saying Clinton is for Citizen’s United is so crazy to anyone who knows how it went down. Pardon the shitty grammar.
Do your own fucking homework, dude. I’m not your secretary.
The Citizens United ruling that was heard by the USSC because of an ANTI-HILLARY propaganda film? THAT Citizens United ruling? CHRIST, do your homework!
What’s an assertment?
She has taken money from people working at banks. The thing you are insinuating is illegal and hasn’t happened. About 7% of her election money comes from people working in banks. It’s such a scandal! ::eyeroll::
Right. “Suggests.” Nothing more. It’s another fake scandal. I’m just really tired of those now. It’s been 20 years. Also, damn it, it’s partly my tax money funding these “investigations.”
David Brooks has made a career out of passing off fluff as nuanced political discussion. He is like the physical embodiment of white male privilege.
“Hillary Clinton (who is imperfect and corruptible but an competent and experienced center-left public servant)...”
He’s a vegan now. That’s just how they look.
.....All together now: What do Bill Clinton’s actions have to do with Hillary Clinton? Bill is a grown man, responsible for his own actions.
Makes you long for the days of the 1800 or the 1828 election when the mudslinging had more to do with whether John Adams was hermaphroditical, or Andrew Jackson was in fact, a murderer.
He should defend himself by saying with fingers as short as his, it’s physically impossible for him to grope someone.
Well yeah, according to Trumpism. Trump would make a better president than Hillary because it was her fault she got cheated on by her one husband, while he cheated on all of his wives, save Melania (as far as we know). The natural extrapolation of that philosophy is what you said.
So at what point do we just acknowledge that the bernie campaign has essentially devolved into what the trump campaign would be like if he was losing?
I don’t know what I’m supposed to take from this exactly: that these threats were made by disaffected, kind of pathetic man children for whom harassment including threats of violence against a woman and her child are just acting out? I think you’re being way too forgiving of these kids. What they did isn’t simply…
I still don’t understand why people are upset that delegates who weren’t registered Dems, didn’t bother to show up, and/or made no effort to respond to contact from officials were disqualified.
Our campaign has held giant rallies all across this country
I have been reluctant to blame Sanders as his supporters get more and more batshit in the face of inevitable loss. No more. The statement he put out on this is pure bullshit. You supporters got VIOLENT — they threw chairs, they issued death threats, they acted like spoiled Trump-supporting creeps, and the statement…