
I’ve seen a number of people say they’re Bernie supporters but will vote Trump over Hillary because at least Trump is up front with who he is. I just... What?

I have one Trump-supporter friend (one who will admit it, anyway), and his argument is that he doesn’t really think Trump believes the things he says, that he'll be more moderate now, etc. Basically, he thinks Trump is good on trade and is trying to rationalize everything else away.

It’s happening to people from all walks of life. I was on a trip a couple weeks ago with other moms in their early 40s and one of them (also sort of a friend of a friend) started in on me— Trump’s a businessman, Benghazi, blah blah. I had another glass of wine and pretty much told her she’s an idiot.

People really miss that folks supporting trump don’t care how other people react. They already agree with what trump says. He’s not going to say anything about Hillary that they haven’t or wouldn’t say.

My roommate (analyst for a Republican state senator) came home literally in tears last night over this.

“And she was picked up and put in an orphanage. And so I’ve been able to really make her life better.” - Woody Allen

And he seems a little confused about who exactly changed her life by adopting her from Korea.

And my Facebook feed is going to be insufferable.

These people have no fucking idea what “revolution” means and are willing to let the rest of the country die on their hill with them.

Yep. As someone who actually lives in Indiana, I can tell you Bernie was here almost every day for two weeks. I think Hillary was only here two to three days max (and only once in Indianapolis), and Bill came one day last week. Bernie made a major push here and still only ended up with 5-8 more delegates than Hillary

But, he’s a man, running against a woman. Why would we have to accept his obvious losses, since, after all, he is still a man? Never give up.

She’s doing just fine with members of the Democratic party. She decided it wasn’t worth the expense and time to campaign in Indiana because it is an open primary state where independents can vote, and she was right. sanders won by a few percentage points only and netted just six more delegates than Clinton did. He’s

I would squee if reporters wrote about it as such. “And in other news, Senator Bernie Sanders won Indiana, surprising pollsters, but didn’t net any delegates. But GOOD FOR HIM.”

Stop trying to make Bernie happen. He’s not going to happen.

Bernie has also proven on numerous occasions that you can outspend your opponent and still lose. Which was the case for him not long ago when he outspent Hillary and lost multiple times.

How is this either a “major upset” or at all “unexpected”? Clinton didn’t contest Indiana, didn’t spend a cent on ads or any time there while Bernie was pouring in millions, even in the past few days her surrogates clearly said they didn’t really expect to win it, polls or no.

If anything I think Bernie needs to get out now. Now trump can put all his focus on Hillary. Hillary can’t just focus on Trump because of Bernie. Bernie wants a contested convention, which is crazy, he has no chance of getting enough super delegates on his side.

lord, if bourbon made you tan, I wouldn’t be pale pink like a newborn piglet.

Former Speaker of the House John Boehner, a cigar store Indian wished to life by a GOP lobbyist...

Boehner’s joined the exclusive club of Republicans Who Give No More Fucks. The club is chaired by Lindsey Graham.