I sell VW’s. What really opens my eyes is how the Golf Sportwagen got here. When we first had it, it was selling like hot cakes. By the time the Alltrack came out, it got blown to the back burner. People couldn’t give a fuck about it.
I sell VW’s. What really opens my eyes is how the Golf Sportwagen got here. When we first had it, it was selling like hot cakes. By the time the Alltrack came out, it got blown to the back burner. People couldn’t give a fuck about it.
lolwtf is that
She must mean “longer than the nights.”
My wife fucked your wife?
Elite Dangerous just finished up its “Beyond” set of expansions last year. It’s still a far better space game than NMS - although there’s an argument that they’re not really comparable since ED is a “sim” and NMS is more “arcade-y.” I’m far more excited for next year’s massive update to ED than I am for NMS, which is…
Which Volkswagen fucked your wife? Was it the Golf Cabrio? Getting a strong feeling it’s the Golf Cabrio.
Rivian vs. VW...Originality, sure, Rivian has them beat. But VW has established brands they can tap into. You just know a beetle is coming eventually.
Full disclosure: I work at a big Volkswagen dealership. I was astounded to find the Atlas on this list, because they’re just not in back...ever?
Damn it Pokemon, you were so close. We could have had Pokemon Sword and Sheath, but NOOOOOOO. Now excuse me while I go start a new subreddit.
Didn’t they impeach a guy for getting head in the Oval?
Every Village: Final Fantasy X
So wait...I can’t use a kickass potato salad recipe but I gotta use seasoning salt? Do I get to use the potato salad recipe if I put a black people trademark sticker on the Tupperware bowl? What if I’m already making stuff that isn’t bland but doesn’t require Lawry’s? WHICH IS IT, MICHAEL?!?!?! INQUIRING MINDS NEED TO…
I really hope this doesn’t turn out to be a hoax. YOU BETTER NOT BE A CAKE EATER, JUSSIE.
You can add one for Milwaukee, WI: BHMWI19
It’s a bug that’s not easy to notice, but once you do spot it, it’s impossible to stop hearing the problem.
The mohawk helmet is legit awesome.
I believe the southern Illinoisians call Chicagoans “corrupt libtards,” yes?
The Milwaukee Bucks were so shit for so long because of this fucking clown. Poor Zombie Bullets.
They still have to play the games. I’m not so sure the Warriors will have the sense of urgency required when the time comes.