I can think of one deserving candidate right now.
Ooooh, I might try that. I hope it doesn't ruin the mayo/tomato/wet bun emulsion.
I have a hard time eating anything from Wendy's ever since they started those awful commercials with the annoying redhead. I miss my JBCs for a $1.10 per. Maybe she'll go away or get disfigured and then I can try this sandwich.
Not bad, Will. I enjoyed it.
Love your work. Here's my question: are you offended by the poor Photoshop work on your picture for this article? I mean they didn't even bother addressing the image reflected in your glasses? I liked the rest but that got me.
I like those wholike Will's work and I LOVE your handle. Ironaldmaiden is top shelf. Cheers, fellow mid-30 grown up man who longs for the days of secret black-ops high school drinking.
Two things: Last time neither team made beef, and reports stated Farrell even contacted the Yankees dugout during the game to ask for their guy to clean it up. Because as we all know, everyone does it, but some do it more discreetly. Discretion has and is the key here.
point is, all our sports' teams have assholes fans. you don't even have to try to find them.
nope. doesn't count. good effort though.
Find me the picture. Then I will concede this ever happened.
Being a RedSox fan is like being from a family of awful assholes. Sure there are some good folks in the fold, but there are also terrible ones that are just embarassing. But the thing with any family is you have to stand together. Especially when you see other families having arrogant, fucksticks that are just as or…
I really find it annoying when anyone judges other people's motivation for exercise or habits surrounding their specific regimens. So what if you have a different motivation or outlook on it? What good is it putting down other people's exercise habits when so many people are unhealthy from sedentary lifestyles?
Someone else made the same suggestion this weekend. Grapfruit and something else. I politely dismissed it but now this idea is sounding less weird. I will try it. Appreciate it, sir.
I like what you did here, Will. But I am still riding the Gin and Tonic wave that arrives with the Masters each year. It's the official un-official beginning of spring/summer drinking. I will explore this list when the Gin and Tonic excitement subsides in about two weeks.
come on now. not fair basing a whole fan-base on one asshole in an alternative shitty team hat:
didn't this fine town rivalry just experience a hockey-related maiming when the goalie for one team tomahawked a player on the opposing team with his stick? weird drinking water i guess.
granted he should be punished, but aren't we always hearing about over-crowded prisons in this country? i can't see how throwing someone in prison for as long as this dingus got sent away making any sense.
you're soft. you t0ok down my posts.
plus the jokes on you. you look you live in chechnya.