
Don’t discount the used market.  I have this feeling that used Model 3's are going to be the replacement for the vaunted Altima.  I’m seeing a lot of that around here.  Dirty, panels falling off, paper plated Model 3's.

play Nazi games, win Nazi prizes. this guy is as big a douchenozzle as you thought he was. he needed to buy a truck to carry supplies for his...checks notes...liposuction practice.

This was my thought. It had nothing to do with his vehicle choice, that’s just Masshole drivers’ status quo.

See, now THAT is clever, and funny. Stickering someone’s car is a dick move, but putting a business card like that under the wiper is gold.

This vehicle, in particular, was a product of Musk’s vision for what a truck should be. The gap between them is narrow.

This response deserves a slow-clap ovation, well done.

Violence is the last resort; and if you make sure you resort to enough of it, it can also be the first resort.

To be fair, swerving and being drifted at is standard DFW driving behavior.  Not just because you drive a Bolt. 

That is irrelevant to the truck, that is just Massachusetts drivers.

True that!

Perhaps there are some missing details but it doesn’t sound like he tried to use it as a trade for something else. It sounds like he went back and tried to just get a refund. As anyone who has ever bought a car knows, you can’t just drive it around for a while and then bring it back to the dealer and get a refund.

Bro has buyer’s remorse so he’s making it all up. This is not a new phenomenon, and between that and the entirety of a new England town conspiring against a dude because of his truck, I know what the likelier reality is.

The kids and wife deserve a better husband and father too!

Just put it into FSD and let it drive itself into a pole.

I drive a Bolt EUV in the Dallas area. I get swerved at or accidentally “drifted” toward by the never ending stream of lifted trucks on the highways here. Those same dudes bought the Cybertruck. I don’t feel bad if they get harassed at all.

Saying violence is never a good idea ignores that in a justified position, violence is the last resort. It should not be approached glibly, but to deny its power is saying the status quo cares for people and justice, and we know that isn’t the truth. But I digress.

Remember back when Tesla tried to say if you wanted to sell a Cybertruck, you HAD to give Tesla rights of first refusal at MSRP? We’ve come a long way, they were originally worried about people flipping these things and now they realize nobody fucking wants ‘em. Of course Tesla doesn’t want it back; they’ve got

“I tried to trade in the truck because of that, but Tesla said they won’t accept it!”

Lol what part of gold wrap makes it protect against corrosion? probably could have gotten clear or a normal color (and not slapped a fat QR code on the back) 

Guy wanted a truck that would get him attention.  He got it.  More at 11.