
The bad guys have won. That’s how I look at what has happened to our political system. We all watched in real time as our court system, congress, the senate, and the office of the president was gradually and eventually taken over by the absolute worst examples of humanity.

When I was a kid I was always fascinated by

The other difference is Elon is far and away the richest person in history, thus he has much more cash to throw around than even your run of the mill election swaying billionaire. He can singlehandedly change the course of funding with an amount that, to him, is a pittance.

Sounds like a great way to make two people disappear and not have a ton of questions or answerers about it...

He will get those $250 million back hundred-fold with the corrupt leadership of NASA and the even more corrupt US government.

They don’t look the other way, they wholeheartedly support the grift and double standards on character because they think they will be elevated to a protected class. Jokes on them - they’re going to be shit on and thrown under the wheels along with everyone else who doesn’t have millions of dollars to help fund the

Having brain damage definitely explains a lot, though it’s probably not the cause of the rant.

I had one of these in the day. 1994 Dakota Sport with the V8 and 5 spd, std cab, buckets, 3.55 SureGrip rear end. At Terminal Island, I used to to embarrass Lightnings and 454 SSs and to give 5.0s a run for their money. Best ever pass was on a set of drag radials at 14.5 in the 1/4.

How exactly would it NOT hurt the owner. He is out $42k in product, product that typically has a very slim margin

Some of that is getting what you give. He’s scrutinized at least in part because of his behavior. That doesn’t make it acceptable behavior because he’s scrutinized for it after years of doing it. Its not an excuse to say ‘well people don’t like the way I win’ when you drive like an ahole and they don’t want to die or

For all those libr’uls casting stones I would remind you that your hero Barack Obama wore a brown suit once.

Lest anybody complain about media bias, this story was covered in Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post.

He’s a petulant little fuck who’s ass should have been kicked a few more times growing up.  I can’t stand the little prick.

It’s on a laminated card in his wallet.

An unfortunate incident happened?

I could sit here and tell you this is a shocking development, but it really isn’t. When given the chance, a mega-corporation like GM is going to take the path of least resistance and highest profits.

Prius with a Hellcat

We really should have gotten a new Honda Hatchback in america with a modest engine and manual trans. I love the look of these little cars!

At first I was thinking this was a NP if it didn’t have that horrid landau top on it, but then I got to thinking that there must be a LOT of full size domestic cars of this era in reasonable shape and with reasonable mileage for $10K or less, so if you really wanted a land barge like this you could probably come to

Your Sebring Plus is rarer and cooler than a RR anyway.  IYKYK

Yeah, painted-over corrosion is still corrosion.