
Jesus Christ, people have to get over themselves. 27 cents is not going to cause anyone to struggle any more. If that’s such an issue just do the shopping yourself, don’t spend $100/year on prime and get the stuff yourself. It’s at least a start to figuring out the upcoming problem of funding roads...

Jim Jordan, the wrestling coach that covered up sexual abuse of his students when he was at Ohio State,

It doesn’t sound like this is even about breach of contract in the first place. If it was that simple, he’d have sued them immediately. It’s not at all clear what crime is actually being alleged here because there’s nothing illegal about privately lobbying corporations to change their ad policies. It would only be

Hey Elon, remember the ‘go fuck yourselves’ statement to your advertising customers? They listened, they left, you lost business, stop crying.

Jim Jordan, the wrestling coach the covered up sexual abuse of his students when he was at Ohio State? Color me surprised. /S

Yep they complain all day about cancel culture while also joyfully participating in it. 

House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary is a Donald-nazi committee since they’re in the majority at the House. Oh look! The chair of that “fact finding” group is tadah! Jim Jordan, one of the all-time worst Donald-nazis lurking in the House:

This stuff is just red meat for the base. The right absolutely loves boycotts and retaliation against “woke corporations” like Disney or AB, but when one of their own darlings is the target, they scream bloody murder.

This doesn’t sound like a good use of his legal team.

The irony of all this being that he’s not going to get any new advertisers on here and will be stuck with his current MyPillow caliber of advertisers. If his strategy is “If you advertise, then ever stop, I’ll sue you”.... why take the chance as a company?

Given that the Supreme Court is now basically just “whatever rich right wing assholes want”, I guess anything is possible.

Let me rush out and buy a car from this piece of shit.

To my ears, the “go F*ck Yourself” statement that Elon made sounds a lot like a legally binding and hard to misinterpret release of any advertising contract that a company might have had with X and its CEO.

There’s a massive mismatch between the vehicles that customers want and those that are available.  Toyota and Jeep are the biggest examples on both ends.  Clearly, buyers want fuel economy and reliability right now.

It’s weird that Thomas’s excuse was that he did not understand the rules that he worked under, a yet makes a ruling last week that says judges are the ultimate experts on things like science and the environment.

Ugh I bet he’d taste terrible.

Justice Clarence Thomas Might Actually Face Consequences For Undisclosed Luxury Yacht And Private Jet Travel”

“personality hospitality”

Why was he going to Russia anyways?  Does he have another paymaster there?