
I think somebody just bought this car because it’s pretty much new and better than 99% of new car deals you’ll get at a dealership today. 

Again it is the people they bring in. Also “Don’t vote for people the Klan and Nazis vote for” is rather easy rule to follow. 

Just saying something stupid like “boats sink because of their weight” ought to be enough to reveal that someone is too stupid to lead the free world, never mind every other stupid/ignorant/cruel/hateful thing this guy has done.

He’s a celebrity to the undereducated.

If the 1/2 the country that never votes would vote, if the left would get off their “have to be perfect from birth” high horse and support candidates that are younger. If the not pro christo-fascist dictatorship fiscal conservatives would find their spines and balls and run the orange menace into a jail cell, THEN we

Donald Trump [said something willfully ignorant because his willfully ignorant fans cheered for him]. 

I can’t understand why the board of Tesla hasn’t kicked this guy out.

I wonder if pissed of neighbours will catch up first.

You have to overlay sales with profits.  Slashing prices to move inventory would be indicative of a need to refresh.  You could also look at it from the perspective of share price, the valuation is that of a growth company so either support you’re a growth company or admit your share price is at least 4x too high. 

Exactly, it would be the real-world experience of going nowhere fast.

It’s not really clear what else the city can do at this point.

That “mud” probably came from the driver’s seat.

How many are sitting on shopping mall parking lots?  Asking for a friend.

It’s aging, but it’s far from ancient. It’s roughly 4.5 years old.

Yeah, that plus it clearly starting to turn and roll means that the landing must have been just spectacular.  How the hell did anyone survive that.

Yeah but missing basics like ventilated seats and blind spot monitoring that any other car in it’s price range would at least have as an option if not included is crazy, especially for a company that prides itself on being bleeding edge tech.

1st gear: Or is it coming out, but they need to unload all current old stock. You tell people a new one is coming this year, and nobody will buy the old ones. Inverse everything Musk says.

A story as old as Reagan’s economic policy.

GM: This union deal will kill us! How could we possibly pay for this labor and keep the jobs in America?!

So ventilated seat will be an OTA update?  Cool tech, bro.