
Perhaps we should offer them a one time replacement with that stipulation.

But that’s not fair! The rich PAY to not have to suffer consequence of their mistakes!

Maybe the rich folks can afford to commission the construction of an even smaller violin. 

There goes big government again! This time they’re trying to save my house!

Socialize the risk, privatize the benefit. 

The south never saw a lost cause it wouldn’t commit to. 

Provide access now, or give it up in a few years when your house is destroyed. I’m good with either way.

The simple answer is for De Santis to sign legislation that states that the beaches *aren’t* eroding, and that will be the end of that.

The value of the beachfront homes cannot be understated.

Echoing everyone else here, fuck ‘em. No access, no repair, no insurance. They bought the ticket, let them take the ride. 

And then fine them for littering.

Owners’ reasons for refusing easements are numerous, but most cite a fear that granting public access to the sand behind their property will encourage tourists to venture up on their dunes or sit on the sea walls behind their homes. Sure, they can’t stop tourists and beachgoers from using the beach that sits between

The strange thing about the easement controversy is that these waterfront residents don’t fully own the beaches behind their homes — in fact, most of the county’s beaches are already public. State law provides that all Florida beaches with artificial sand are public up to the “erosion control line,” which is about

Public funds to fix your beach? Yes? Then full public access. But realistically, no money or other resources need to be wasted on constantly rebuilding a lost cause.  

They would rather have their homes washed away than potentially hurt their oceanfront views, and then when that inevitably happens they’re gonna cry victim and ask for government money to rebuild.

Let them collapse and be consumed by the seas that they insist aren’t rising.

The answer is stunningly simple: the greedy owners don’t want the unwashed masses close to their homes, so fine; the owners can pay for the sand themselves. Problem solved—duh.

fuck em’

“Crypto Industry” AKA “Drug Cartels” ,“Money Launderers”, “Grifters” and/or “Russian Oligarchs.”

Dear Crypto Bros: Your imaginary money isn’t worth wrecking the country for.