
Seems like maybe another thing to do is crack down on facilities that purchase scrap metal without asking questions.

More like the Turd Reich.


He’s a bit late to the AI hype train. Its already starting to show signs of collapse.

Or if they are all for it, they see it as a direct message to them that a new nazi regime will emerge with Trump. Which is exactly the message they want to put out when these “mistakes” happen.

The dog whistle has been blown, they got what they wanted. 

This. Biden could sit in a chair and spin for the next 4 years and accomplish his job: Blocking Trump from being President again. It doesn’t matter if he’s senile or coherent. That’s all he needs to do and it’s still a victory. Which would you rather have, a senile but harmless Biden, or a vengeful erratic senile

Well, the problem with surrounding yourself with racists and hatemongers, is that a few nazi wannabes are bound to slip in.

To be fair, the average Republican voter doesn’t even know this happened and if they heard about it they would just say it was fake anyway.

Musks trajectory into irrelevance is quickly resembling a lawn dart.  

So what was the staffer’s name? Goebbels? Göring? Himmler?

But I can’t vote for Biden because...”

“Trump’s not a Nazi, but people working for him are” is not the defense they seem to think it is.

All they really had to do was come up with some fresh redesigns and a truck that didn’t look like crap, and their sales would be significantly higher today given their loyal customer base that now may be looking elsewhere if they want something new and exciting. 

This slideshow could have been a fist fight single page post, Matt

If the owner thinks that a big ass stereo is more important than flywheel vibration, just think of all the other bad decisions this poor car has been through.

Yeah the idea of an OS that remembers everything I’ve done sounds pretty fucking horrifying

all the rich folks are building rockets so they can go look at space escape the dystopian hellscape they’re creating on Earth.”

Almost like we can legislate for the common good...

Simple really.