
Yes, and they’ll re-lock it w/ the next OTA update. I suspect they’ll lose money on this though. Very few people will pay for it, but Tesla incurs the HW and PR cost on every vehicle.

That said, you’d have the same problem I experienced with my GTO: yeah, there’s thousands of them in existence but the vast bulk of the cheap bespoke parts are in junkyards literally an ocean away.

Go ahead, Elmo. Software lock the range upgrade.

Dodge is planning the same thing for the Charger EV’s Stage 1 and Stage 2 kits for (smirk!) “adding” more horsepower to the vehicle.

I’d have the Honda because NSXs are cool

Where did they train the lane change assist Massachusetts? 

Somehow I doubt that the ATV rider was actively looking for starring a cop car front window by body-slamming it, and getting seriously injured in said process, but yes, something about consequences and suffering them.

I can’t star this enough.

This is the trolley conundrum.

Many would say the same of those that killed George Floyd.

Well it's not like the doors are going to fall off.

I wonder if Musk woke up and thought (what is the most dickish thing I can do today?”

“After a single phone call of less than two minutes, my entire plan for this summer had vanished as if it had never even existed.”

Yep. File under: Exhibit 1,  Andrew Tate.

If anything were to say outside agitators in New York to me it’d be a stack of of deep-dish pizza boxes or an army of people in Red Sox jerseys.

MacDonald pleaded guilty to the charge of inferring with a flight crew on March 22

My grab on that topic was “it would be around $20,000, more than the car’s value.”

Eric Adams is such a fucking putz. 

This sounds like an even better opportunity for a former Tesla engineer (probably laid off last week) to partner with an actual executive to open a professional repair operation that can be expanded and replicated. Most local shops are basically proprietorships and probably don’t have the capability for something like

He is the poster child for “How to wake up every day and think how you can be a bigger asshole than yesterday.”