
I am gonna break my rule about buying off warranty German luxury cars (a rapidly depreciating asset with high maintenance costs) and go with nice price here.  The car seems to be clean and well maintained, and the miles aren't in the could have driven to the moon range that many cars featured here have been lately. 

Interesting theory, do you have any study to support it?

I figured out when I was still in elementary school to never trust anybody who arbitrarily capitalizes the word “truth”.

I find it very amusing that this person is involved with a company that has the word “Truth” in its name.  This guy lies just to stay in practice.

Earlier in January Elon threatened to “pursue AI” on his own if Tesla shareholders didn’t give him more control of the company. You know, the kind of technology that is central to FSD actually working at some point. Does that sound like a CEO who is acting in the interest of shareholders? Nobody sued him for that

Who needs an eclipse when you have a prescription for ketamine?

Sounds like Truth Social forgot to change that part after they did a pull from Git’s Twitter repo...

If their behavior and impact on society wasn’t so abhorrent, it would be amusing watching these useless assholes contort themselves every which way to both appease and appeal to their small but obnoxiously loud chud base in the supposed culture war while also trying to do the thing that actually brings in profit —

cause they’re gonna trash his character. It’s freaking Darren Aronofsky. He doesn’t make soft fluffy movies...

Just wait until Temu starts clogging the local mailboxes with unsold EV’s. 

Negotiating a new package for the company CEO would allegedly take too long and potentially cost the company additional billions”

I have always wondered why these midding squirrel powered bread boxes, mediocre in every category, are revered so highly by some in the country. I don’t see it. People outside that bubble don’t see it. It’s a 22 year mini van that’s been driven into the dirt. No. Absolutely no. 

Drop the price the equivalent price of an engine replacement.

You aren’t wrong, but I notice that Texas is the largest producer of wind energy in the US (27% of all wind energy) and that wind energy consumption exceed nuclear energy in Texas and will likely grow over the next decade due to it’s low LCOE. As such, as more and more Texas are employed and use wind energy, they will

Yes he’s Jewish. He just wrote an epic song. Jews sometimes do that for our Christian brothers.

Winner to Loser: The Elon Musk Story”

This EV glut also falls into their Belts & Roads Initiative. They keep building infrastructure in foreign locations and need to have cheap transportation so that the populations see the value and continues to fall in line. China’s economy continuing to shrink means they need all that foreign income/indebtedness.

a VW van with 230k miles living its second life after a catastrophic transmission failure. no dice. 

1st gear:
Whats happening here is that China has moved from mindlessly making apartments, buildings and high speed trains to mindlessly making shit-tons of EVs. There is almost zero thought process. Its a mere bandaid to the insane, sheer volume of debt and massive housing bubble that would have thrown the US and any

DaimlerChrysler fame? It lasted a total of nine years and was 50 years after the war. He is shitting on a company that actively cheated emissions less than ten years ago and was actually Hitler’s creation.