
research also shows that the risk of a wreck increases at .05, and when Utah implemented its lower limit, traffic deaths fell, and the hospitality industry survived.”

This is Exhibit 1025 of making what could be an interesting article into an instant no-go slog by turning it into a slide show.

Republicans have absolutely ZERO interest in what the word ACTUALLY means. They basically want to make it mean anything they don’t like then blacken it up for their bigoted base. It just so happens that someone actually had the temerity to ask them what it means.

Do you know why public charging places require start buttons and NFC scans and etc?

Exactly. What’s to prevent the police from throwing random offenses at the wall and seeing what sticks? There should be consequences for actions.

If someone had the money and time to do it, it should be done. That was a bullshit ticked and law enforcement and courts get away with this shit all the time. 

“We mismanaged other people’s money because we weren’t allowed to focus solely on hoarding as much of it as possible...”

It’s the exact type of concern trolling I would totally expect from WSJ.

I adopted a capsule wardrobe about 6 years ago, and it’s been a life (and money) saver. Literally. I rearranged my closet so that everything was inside out. At the end of a year, I gave away everything that wasn’t right side out.

I’m sure it had NOTHING to do with certain regulations being lifted.

I think everyone can agree that the free market works best when it is rigged in your favor.

So much for the party of the unrestricted free market and totally against picking “winners and losers”

It’s an almost new Taycan that has already taken the “drive off lot” depreciation hit, yet that’s not reflected in this sale price.

No, you are close minded.  There is no purity in your assessment.

This post was ill informed gibberish

These were corporation operating accounts, many of which have 10's if not more * 250k $ a month in the account just for payroll.

The FDIC is funded by the fees that banks pay into it, not by taxpayers.  

No offense but it’s pretty obvious you don’t know what most commercial bank accounts are like. Having more than the FDIC insured limit isn’t exactly an exception and these companies aren’t going to open accounts at 50 different banks to ensure they have 100% insured deposits. They also wouldn’t get many services

I.... was under the impression they failed because they played their investments into US bonds before rate hikes at the Fed made those bonds impossible to offload.

Thank you, I was like, are they really posting this unironically?