
I don’t care what stunts you do, I'm not listening to your podcast.

If this is what gives kids a sense of accomplishment I weep for our future.

Along with every tiny screw and trim clip...

So, it’s some indeterminate number in excess of 238,662 miles. I’m out.

Just changing wheel/tire sizes doesn’t mean you’re going to necessarily ruin anything. Done to extremes, yes, there’s that risk, but it’s not like it’s absolutely a given. My Fit came with, I think, 185/60 tires on 16" wheels stock, but I’m now running 205/50 Advans with 15" wheels and it’s been a dream. I’m even

OK - How about the blob of rust on the vent under the hood, the torn up driver’s seat, and the totally unknown “you just gotta trust me” miles on the odo? OR, that three years ago, this is a $2000 car, and now this person thinks it’s worth $5200? How about the freaking myriad of things to spend $5200 on, that in my,

I thought for sure their rift was an act, setting up a reality show or a Crossfire type thing after she left the WH. Maybe it was and it just didn't get any takers.

Texas’ largest minority is culturally conservative, transphobic, pro-life, and becoming more Republican with every election cycle since the late 1990s.

It’s slightly more detailed a plan than the former guy’s 400 pound hacker plan.

For a Party that hates ‘Big Government’ they sure seem to be making a lot of laws...

Can’t we do the same thing with guns then? Oh and I wanna rat out my neighbor* too!

Yup. If they want people to think charging is as easy as getting gas, then make it like getting gas. All these companies are tripping over themselves to make charging the most modern!/hipster!/futuristic! thing you can do when they should be making it as dumb and easy as possible.

I get the convenience factor of using a phone-based wallet app, but man, way too many variables for me to every fully commit. 

I want that

If it had gullwing doors, it’d be worth a fortune.

It looks like the stereo should only play “Holiday Road” by Lindsey Buckingham

12 cylinders? That’s cute. How about 32! And it’s 4wd!

Just as weird to me, look at those gauges in the center console! That might be the only time gauges were mounted sideways in a hollowed out center console.

Nice Job, Friend of Friends!

As an outsider, it was the last one that was the worst one.  Swept into power on the back of promising “change” ... and utterly failed to do so.