
The horn doesn’t work? And you want $90k?

“It’s not perfect..”

oh so youre a simp

This is a good deal. Maybe I’ll get a pizza this weekend.

Walker is really hitting a whole new level of projection. I mean, I guess he just doesn’t understand how stupid he looks. When the story of the first abortion he pressured a woman into dropped, he went up to tell a story about a bull impregnating a bunch of cows. Now he’s claiming Warnock doesn’t support his own kids.

Well it sounds like the rest of his workforce is leaving Thursday.

Hmm, let’s see I could stay and be abused constantly by my insane boss who thinks that working 24/7, 7 days a week should be normaly orrrr I could take three months to find a job that won’t treat me like that. Iwonder what I would pick!

Kevin understands that FTX is the most efficient method for laundering money for the political class that writes the laws he benefits from. Win/Win plebs, get with the program. 

I hope people take notice that mega rich have been doing this for about as long as capitalism has been a thing. Buy a company, hack it to pieces, then “motivate” what remains to make them the most money... He just REALLY sucks at the “motivate” part...

Twitter staff response: “Challenge accepted. Thanks for the severance!”

Twitter not having a communication department might have permanently destroyed my Irony Meter.

How do justify the CEO of a financial company building secret backdoor access to the company’s financial systems that allowed him to move billions of dollars out of the company into personal or other business accounts without leaving any trace of the transaction(s)?

Step 1 in CryptoBro Culture -- never, ever, eeeeeeever admit a mistake.   Repeat ad infinitum.

These are the people who run lights and speed without consideration. I assure you that they are just as dangerous as the asshats in Altimas.

Bill Maher is an idiot. He is like, a Trump/Joe Rogan combo with better vocab so people just assume he is smart. Everything he says is so surface level with no legitimate thought put behind it.

Police are the largest and most well-funded criminal organization

If this were all sorted out, this would be all sorts of fun. With that rather long list of electrical issues, this is all sorts of RUN THE FUCK AWAY!

Did you happen to read the part where the driver committed 26 moving violations in the last 3 years? And those were just the times he got caught...not to mention the unsolved hit-and-run that occoured in the same area at the time. Coincidence?

What’s the over-under on this being a NYPD employee or relative of one?

Some times you have to settle for ill-tempered mutated sea bass.