Those Scheel shoulder harnesses are tied in a loose knot behind the rollbar instead of, like, actually bolting them down solid?
Those Scheel shoulder harnesses are tied in a loose knot behind the rollbar instead of, like, actually bolting them down solid?
The same one that Porsche uses for its Taycan.
No need to question whether a Cup Car could do 12 seasons. It easily could.
I’m especially intrigued by one thing that isn’t mentioned in this article: the two in-hub engines inside the rear wheels.
Just the thing for that guy who’s HOA keeps bitching that his Mustang is too loud.
FWIW, I know a half-dozzen acquaintances who would swear on a stack of bibles that it would in fact be the latter one.
I don’t think so.
I’m going to offer the same recommendation I share with most anybody who doesn’t know or particularly care about cars, but wants a nice, reliable smaller one:
C’mon. What you said is topical, but it sure ain’t right.
Looks like an unassuming way to slip through London traffic unnoticed while enjoying sublime luxury. Veddy old money, ol’ chap.
Mad respect for the stylish mods, bro.
I didn’t get the audio, but I would’ve been the clown who said “Hey asshole. You forgot your fuckin’ coat.”
Ah, a happy ending. So rare these days ...
1st Gear: I don’t think it’s worth worrying about the shifting standards for Tesla’s vaporware. Especially when this announcement’s sole purpose is to prop up Tesla’s inflated stock price.
No. For all the money, I want all the restoration quality.
I would not say wildly random. In Maine, a couple of accidents a year, often fatal, happen when logging trucks lose their loads, so to speak.
I would agree, if only because most all other racing series have ended for the year.
I would think that mail truck EVs would make sense just on a ROI basis.
Depends on the lease. Most leases today are open-ended leases, where at the end of the term you deliver their car, the dealer goes over the car with a fine tooth comb in efforts to find any “damage” to bill you for on the way out.
Legal is a relative, not absolute, term. Sanctioned might be a better term.