Because only the British could fuck up a Honda ...
Because only the British could fuck up a Honda ...
You seem to forget that building cars is just a sideline at Tesla. It’s an AI company now ...
I think you misinterpret that.
On the contrary: that rear axle assembly is a time bomb, with axle tramp lighting the fuse.
You think you can keep racing cheap by making teams fit unlimited cars under a silhouette body? How adorable.
New Hampshire? Car’s been up for sale for a couple of weeks, even though it’s offered at a pittance and promises to run perfectly?
This is just taunting, right?
Welcome back.
Really? Christ, that molten lump of a concept is fugly!
I had forgotten how pathetic those Fisher-Price designed Dodge interiors were in the early 2000s. Frankly, after looking at the pictures of that interior, I wish you had left me that way.
Living in sweaty south Florida makes me pass on this fun little buzz bomb.
It’s not unusual to find C3/C4 Corvettes that have been backdated/updated to reflect owner’s preferences for that Corvette look. I like the bubbleback C3s, but prefer the earlier 78-79 bumper caps.
No. Keep your blind links to yourself. Ain’t chasing that.
It’s a crying shame that someone — or several someones — didn’t respond to his sorry apology shouting “Go fuck yourself...” during his presentation.
This is the absolute deep end of the cyberpunk ethos.
Build the inexpensive, low-tech car.
I distinctly remember drinking in a meat market bar in Portland, Maine and some people watching this on the bar’s big screen TVs.
I’ve got friends who do that. When I explain the problem, they respond with “Well I don’t believe that.”
One of the better ideas I’ve seen down here in geezer-ville south Florida is that they extend lane markers with dotted lines to show the correct lane for making left turns. It makes it so easy to see how to make left turns properly.
Reminded me of the time my brother saw the oil light go on in the car he drove but I owned. He decided it was so important he sped home so I could take a look at the problem.