
Hell, the latest version of this has only been a concept since December 2018. So it’s going on three years now and they’re still showing concept drawings of it. If we go back to the harder-edged Bulli concept, it’s been floating around for 10 years.

Even if it’s saying the exact same thing you are?

Please see my response immediately above.

As I said elsewhere in this thread.

You speak a lot of truth here.

That’s exactly what I’m saying. They’re pushing aggregators up over the publications in the search results. And burying the source results so they get first shot at providing substantial ad availabilities before the originating publications get a chance. And also using predatory pricing to drive the advertising base

My pleasure. Gizmodo is doing a good job here trying to distill a topic that Google and Facebook are smoking/sidestepping by saying, condescendingly, is “too complex for you to understand.”

Yes, you are wrong.

First, thank you for an insightful response. With everybody and their brother saying that their Ford F350 or Camry can repeatedly run to 100 and threshold brake to 30mph 10 times in rapid succession with no problem, it’s refreshing to respond to someone with a grasp of reality.

You really think so? On lifted four/all wheel drive trucks?

I hear you, as I tap this out on my Adobe Creative Cloud/Office 365 equipped laptop. Listening to music on Apple Music from quality speakers attached to my similarly equipped Mac mini.

Perhaps with others, but I’m willing to hold off as long as I can.

I’ve had cars that could too. But they were modified for that express purpose. And I’ve been on damn few tracks — like no tracks — where I would be repeatedly slowing from 100 to 30 without more time to cool the brakes than an immediate charge back up to a buck on the speedometer. Are you sure that your ’Stang could

I can’t deny that. But when you get all the signs, and all the alarms, that things are failing, what purpose is served?

No. You can blow me, bitch.

I’m no apologist for Tesla, but ten 100-30 stops for a two and a half ton car is a pretty demanding test. And to continue in light of hints of fade/smoking smell of brakes/warning lights alerting you that you’ve got big problems shows alarming signs of willful ignorance.

Nice car. Stupid price. No Dice.

You’ve got to understand that COTA suffers under severe heat and semi-arid conditions. That’s absolute hell on pavement. Plus, F1 “bumpy” would be glass-smooth pavement for most any other four-wheeled vehicle with a suspension designed to take pavement bumps rather than absolute cornering.

I personally think we should congratulate Rep. Nunes on leaving his seat in Congress to take the helm of Trump’s new media conglomerate.

Hey, it’s one thing if we agree to a transaction on a handshake deal on a used car and something breaks sometime down the road.