
I won’t be watching them but I’m here for the takes.

True story: my tiny Appalachia hometown had not one, but two, Methodist churches, literally a block apart. My Boy Scout troop was sponsored by one of them, and as it so happens they had a converted school bus, which we drove across the country to attend the Philmont Boy Scout ranch located in New MEXICO!

All this time

This just in: Bernie announces Hillary Clinton to be his running mate.

Is this going to be a daily thing where you guys try to hate on something Beto does?  Neither article that has been posted on this site has any value at all.  Do better. 

It wasn’t enough force?

I don’t understand why Trump didn’t name Billy Ray Cyrus to be his chief of staff. They had great workplace chemistry on Celebrity Apprentice.


Look here man, if I can’t watch skinny nordic people ski around on flat ground and shoot guns at stationary targets, then let’s cancel the whole thing.

Meanwhile, millions wish he didn’t show up to work until after 2020…

In my book “Not Ted Cruz” is always a damn good reason to vote for someone.

Everyone but the Republicans?

At least Gawker had charm. Splinter is like hanging out with the freshman who thinks their poly sci lecture is a dialogue. 

You never ask an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States if he’ll have another drink because it’s nobody’s goddamned business how many drinks he’s had already!

Counterpoint: Living in my dorm at college totally kicked ass. 

Sunk cost fallacy.

Yeah, I don’t get the scorn for Avenatti.  As far as I can tell, he’s out there fighting the good fight.

Yeah I don’t get this article at all.  Avenatti is uniquely brave and the voice we need in these dark, harsh times.  Men like him have always existed, but there are far fewer these days.  We need to support them wherever we find them.  He’s a god&damned hero honestly.