
I’d gleefully vote for Mayor Pete in the general.

Obama had all the experience of Lincoln. 

Its Semantics... just like Republicans who insist you say, “radical islam”. At the end of the day it just doesn’t matter what you call it. 

How does this not violate the 8th amendment?

To be fair, I don’t know why anyone would want to be a Senator, you eat shit for 6 years and then everyone hates you. 

what kind of arrogance allows you to tell people what they think?

I am going to enjoy the hell outa voting for Joe Biden in the primaries.

Yea... Holding a milkshake will in Britain will you get thrown in Guantanamo or whatever the British equivalent of Guantanamo is.

Cocaine was initially invented to treat morphine addiction. 

There is a limit to what M4A can cut. It is the 20% administrative cost/profit allowed by Obamacare. That’s small potatoes compared to the 80% going to the pricing gouging doctors/hospitals/pharma companies. Democrats need to stop diddling over insurance companies Go after healthcare providers for price-gouging.

profit is not an administrative cost. profit is profit. profit is also the incentive to keep the administrative costs to a minimum. 

At best its a wash. which makes it just a giant waste of time.

Insurance rates are a function of the cost of healthcare. M4A does nothing to reign in the cost of healthcare except pray the government can magically procure better negotiators than the insurance companies already employ(unlikely). The cost difference between private insurance and m4A is likely a wash. 

You are talking about small potatoes here. Even if you were to somehow administer M4A without ANY adminstrative costs(which is entirely unlikely) you would still be at 80-85% of the current insurance system. Realistically it will cost just as much to administer m4A as it does to administer private insurance.


Just assume on average everyone is spending 10 grand per year on healthcare. What will the average savings be?

You are still going be paying for healthcare under medicare-for-all. Insurance is just the vehicle for payment. Insurance vs. M4A is like arguing it will cost less if you pay with credit card vs. paying with cash. 

The insurers aren’t the problem at the moment. Congress should strengthen the price-gouging laws to go after Pharma companies. 

How much savings do you think the average person will see under medicare-for-all from the $10,000/person per year that we are spending now?

wait till Trump goes too far and defies those judicial subpoenas. Then its impeachment time. Republicans Senators will impeach an executive flouting constitutional checks and balances.