
There are limited medical resources in the country, and they better served in urban areas. 

People don’t move to rural areas to be around “things”. Rural America’s charm comes from emptiness. If you want to have places to go nearby move to a city.

Why are we putting doctors where people DO NOT LIVE? They should be in cities where their skills help the most people.

Trump is trying to make this impeachment about himself. It needs to be about the rule of law and the constitution at this point. 

That take is a real Scorcher.

but what if there a substance that could cure Cancer on Mars. But their was only enough to cure one person. It would take 1000 doctors and a trillions dollars to cure that one patient. Wouldn’t our limited healthcare resources be better used by denying that one patient a really expensive treatment and using those

most high deductible plans have free preventative services already. 

People still use the ER as their GP because they make poor decisions. People still think being busy excuses them from taking care of themselves. 

Their stock price went up because they are covering more people, not because their margins suddenly jumped. Margins are the measure of price-gouging.

I want you lower healthcare costs, and that means healthcare providers like yourself are going to have to accept lower payment than what the insurers are currently giving you. I don’t care if that makes you poor, you are the reason millions of americans are poor. Not the insurers.

At this point the Republican party is essentially just Marketing department.

They weren’t insuring people with pre-existing conditions. Other than than that they were and still are fairly ethical actors. Doctors on the other hand... are straight up price-gouging, which is highly unethical and illegal.  But calling out doctors doesn’t quite have the populist appeal that attacking insurers does.

People can still make better healthcare decisions. 

Nope, just don’t want to see people wasting their time on small potatoes. The insurers were dealt with in Obamacare. Now the doctors/hospitals/pharma are price-gouging and Libby never gives them any sh*t. 

Insurers are required by law to spend 80% of your premiums on actual healthcare. The other 20% is administration and profits. Their profits range between 3-7%, and the money required to administer insurance isn’t disappearing with a single payer. If you want to reign in healthcare costs I would look at what they

Private insurers profit margins are on par with Walmart. The insurers aren’t price gouging. Doctors/Hospitals/Pharma are definitely price gouging. Whatever payment mechanism uou want doesn’t really matter all that much when it comes to the price of healthcare, whether it is single payer or private insurers. Healthcare

Here’s the solution: Declare drug prices a national emergency... at that point you can charge companies with price gouging after they raise prices. 

That makes some sense. The insurers aren’t the reason healthcare costs a fortune. It’s doctors/hospitals/pharma gouging people. But Libby won’t write an attack piece on doctors.

No, its about getting to stop using the emergency room as their GP. It’s about incenting to take active role in their own wellness, instead of showing up at the doctor and asking for a magic pill. 

Brett Kavanaugh definitely ain’t playin in the NFL.