
I will be voting for him precisely because he is non-committal on idealogy. You don’t what 2021-2025 will bring, nor do you know the policy prescriptions will be best for that time. All I know is Beto is smart and sane and I trust him to make the right decision.  

prolly gonna have to quit reading Splinter.

false on both accounts. 

More like “I will do what right, but what is right depends on the situation”

I will be voting for come primary time. I like the fact he is pragmatic instead of ideological

I almost certain Sonic gave me Norovirus. the last time I ate there I puked so hard I shat myself. 

I don’t believe in anti-vaxxers. It’s Jenni McCarthy and no one else. You are just falling for the Russian trolls. 

Welp... this is racist. Race and gender are not qualifications for office. This article is literally judging people by the color of their skin.

I grew up in Overland Park too, also never wore blackface.

There is a whole generation of people who posted on Facebook back when it was the wild west of social media. No one born between 1980-1988 will ever be electable. 

Is rehabilitation determined by popular vote?


Can one not be rehabilitated from racism in 1980's?

So... it doesn’t matter. 

In what way will it not stand?

and why does a conspiracy theory matter?

Why does that matter?

Why does the amount of force used to arrest Roger Stone even matter?

Bankers, advertising executives, and lawyers have never gotten anything wrong. NEVER.

Can we give a time machine to go run in 2004?