
Welcome to the Resistance, Brian Kilmeade. 

Meh, I really don’t care. SHUT IT DOWN as long no money goes to that dumbass wall I am fine.

I am 34 year old man in Kentucky. My individual plan was granfathered in from Obamacare and my premiums were $94.30/month in 2018. 

It is a BLOW DRYER. They are BLOWDRYING Herbie’s lustrous golden hair.

I thought that “gun” was a hair dryer.

From now on... I will use #blest instead of #blessed

If they give a single red penny to the wall I am voting Jill Stein in 2020. 

Isn’t a “a migraine and diarrhea” just code for a hangover?

Shut it down. The less Trump administration the better. 

well... that is definitely age-ist.

Ideologically hard to pin down is a selling point. I don’t want someone to govern by ideology. I want some who does the right thing.

If they fund the wall, I am leaving the democratic party forever. Don’t test me Pelosi. 

I would not consider it, they posted their union-mandated salaries. It’s pretty clear why it’s a financial mess. Count me out.

Prosecuted bankers for what?

wet behind the ears” has nothing to do with gender. It is insulting, it is age-ist. But it isn’t sexist.

Nobody should be forced to do a job they don’t like, just to satisfy the basic human need of living without starving

Dear Rafi-

I am not of the belief that every sexual relationship between a superior/subordinate is an abuse of power. yes, some are. but It’s possible for the subordinate to be genuinely into a boss.

Dear media,

Doctors and hospitals—especially in rural stretches of the nation—are already being put out of business due to hush-hush hospital group mergers that systematically reduce the number of rural providers.