
There is no promise the argument will work. Equal opportunity not equal outcome.

Clio, do you do investigative journalism? or do you just have hot takes?

Book your own meeting. Networking is not unethical. Executives are also better at networking than you.

CEO’s are replaced all the time. If you feel you improve shareholder wealth more than a current CEO, you are free to plead to case your the board of directors. If you can make a convincing case they will hire you.

This is why we have collective bargaining. Executives haven’t even unionized. Maybe they should.

The choice between wealth and health is a modern invention. In olden times you didn’t have a choice, you just died. Now we have medical treatments, which are expensive but they value as well.

The executive’s argument for being paid well: I will increase the bottomline by X amount of dollars, so i will work for (X-1) dollars

Executives are just better at negotiating their salary. You are free to make the same arguments in salary negotiation as they are.

I’d like to nominate Clio Chang to sting some fuckers.

G-dub cleaning up a mess of our creation is a better alternative than not cleaning it up at all.

Too many words, not enough pictures.

I was going to start financing for free but then I read your piece and decided, “Nah, charge”

What did any of these people do wrong?

Not exactly a GOP version of Connor Lamb; they aren’t running someone who matches the district’s values.

So you think the extermination of the Jewish race was reason enough for war with Germany but the extermination of the Kurdish race isn’t reason enough for war with Iraq? Racist much?

You’re one of those people who will write 10 pages on the finer point of states rights as the cause of the civil war, aren’t you? It was about slavery.

Genocide- Check

Do you the Holocaust was reason enough to go to war?

Do you personally believe the Holocaust was A justification(not necessarily the one stated) for the war?

They have a bill of rights guaranteeing freedom speech, religion, and all that jazz. And they have the right to elect their own corruption president... Just like us.