
What did any of these people do wrong?

Not exactly a GOP version of Connor Lamb; they aren’t running someone who matches the district’s values.

So you think the extermination of the Jewish race was reason enough for war with Germany but the extermination of the Kurdish race isn’t reason enough for war with Iraq? Racist much?

You’re one of those people who will write 10 pages on the finer point of states rights as the cause of the civil war, aren’t you? It was about slavery.

Genocide- Check

Do you the Holocaust was reason enough to go to war?

Do you personally believe the Holocaust was A justification(not necessarily the one stated) for the war?

They have a bill of rights guaranteeing freedom speech, religion, and all that jazz. And they have the right to elect their own corruption president... Just like us.

So you don’t think the Holocaust was justification for WWII?

If the only consideration was morality- then Yes, we should invading and deposing governments that torture and murder their own people.

Contained... to just torturing and murdering people within the borders of Iraq. Still needed to be deposed.  

I think the military was justified in bombing the shit out of Milosevic and they should have done the same against Kemal. The magnitude of the crimes is connoted by using the word Genocide. Personally I don’t see a moral difference between a little genocide like Hussein and and big one like Hitler’s.

I have no doubt Bush f*cked up the war and his justification for the war was bullshit. But there is a bleeding-heart liberal reason for the invasion.

The 100,000 Kurds he gassed included women and children. It was genocide. Just like Hitler.

I make no defense of the Reagan administration using him for our national interest. That was wrong. But removing him from power, albeit 2 decades later than it should have been was the right thing to do, morally. Good for G-dub.

He overran Kuwait just like the Blitzkreig overran Poland

I was talking about the Kurds he gassed. Not the Iranians he gassed. But thanks for pointing out even more war crimes Hussein committed.

The US(and the rest of the world) needed a foothold for liberal democracy. Freedom of the press, freedoms for women, secular education etc. The only place for middle-easterners to have political discussions is at the mosque, the only thing they learn to read is the Koran. Terrorism is bad, mmmkay? And its generation

Counter point- Saddam Hussein gassed his own people, and started a war of aggression which pretty much much makes him Hitler. The world is a better place without him.

It’s like you read Splinternews.