
Semantics are quite the least important thing right now.

Mitt’s not that bad. The biggest difference between him and Obama in 2012 was he wanted a the highest marginal tax rate of 35% while Obama wanted it to be 39.6%. In retrospect it was small potatoes. I don’t blame Mitt Romney for liking Jetskis.

Do rich people even need medicare anyways?

So no coked out Johnny Football? I thought that would be a natural fit.

Pot stocks are currently a ponzi scheme. Most of the states that legalize it are giving sweetheart deals to a few select individuals. Remember the “Make Nick Lachey Rich Act of 2015"? Most of these states are doing something like that. Are you Nick Lachey? then it’s a losing proposition to own shares in a Pot company.

Why stop there? Why not make a list of every man everywhere who said nothing?


If they find the wall I’m leaving the party.

I had no idea allowing people with poor credit the opportunity to buy a home made a shitty person.

If you are getting a higher rate of return in your 401k than the interest you are paying on the car loan/mortgage(very likely scenario since 2009) you would be wealthier at the end of the day saving in your 401k and making the minimum payments on your car/house. Sure wealth redistribution and all, but lets all male

Raw red onions makes my poop burn. Just sayin...

“You know what will fix all the problems in the economy? Stock buybacks”-No one Ever

Collapse is such a vague term.

I think I said the exact same thing about Republicans in 2015, and it worked wonders for them.

The central time zone is my favorite time zone. I can stay awake for the nightly news and still be asleep by 10:30 pm. Pretty dope, I know.

The central time zone is my favorite time zone. I can stay awake for the nightly news and still be asleep by 10:30 pm. Pretty dope, I know.

As as a red-state democrat, it would be best if you didn’t say snoody things like this aloud.

Democrats are huge on the border, and they are steadily marching north. The state will be blue by 2024.

You just saw what happened in Alabama?

There is no evaporation of value in a reverse stock split. Example... You own 2 shares of a company, each worth $10. After a reverse split you would then have 1 share worth $20. The market price of the single share would still fluctuate and potentially decrease, but its not the reverse split’s fault.