
You can’t just factor in the cost of medical technologies that are successful. Pharma companies still have to recoup the money they spent on failed drugs/medical devices in order for them to take more risk and go through the scientific/FDA process. So part of the price of the cast goes towards developing new medical


It isn’t artificially creating jobs.


Too much grandstanding coming the Bernie/Warren crowd. Not enough consideration and thought going into “medicare for all” and what that means in terms of the real world implementation.

It’s a nice round number for demonstration purposes.

All true, Regardless of a single payer or multiple privately operated insurance companies, it isn’t going affect the cost of healthcare much either way. It’s still going to be about $1000 to get the cast removed either way. Yes, I am ignoring the operational efficiency of standardized paperwork because the savings

Thanks for all the deets!

You sound like and Paul Ryan come from the same school of thought.

So you think Medicare currently has the infrastructure to support an additional 250 million people’s medical claims?

No, their stuff doesn’t exist purely for the insurance companies profit. They use their stuff to provide a service which won’t be disappearing under “medicare for all”. Regardless of profit, somebody is going to have to pay doctors/hospitals/pharmacies, and that is going to require people, buildings, computers,

what have they failed at?

It is just fundamentally ignorant. Private equity firms; the people that invest for a living add value to society by making companies more efficient.

They have the infrastructure, they don’t have the motive.

So everybody who currently works for an Insurance company gets fired, every building that the insurance company owns gets demolished, every actuarial table they use gets discarded.

Part of the problem is “medicare for all” is just as well thought out as “repeal and replace”- meaning its not thought out at all. They haven’t thought about what will happen to the insurance companies if they go to a single payer. The insurance companies have all the infrastructure needed to insure everybody, and the

There is nothing to stop you from being a finance guy too. You can’t beat ‘em might as well join ‘em.

I don’t disagree that capital gains and ordinary should be taxed at the same rate. I just find this particularly offensive:

Theoretically, true. In reality few people get a sizable inheritance(which by the way is also taxed).

The money is earned as compensation for the risk they are taking.