Flying Spaghetti Monster

Eh, I feel like the “reporting” I’ve seen on this story has mostly been a lot of one-sided pearl clutching about freedom of speech. The only viewpoint we get here is from Rebecca Brill, which seems pretty unfair. What proof whatsoever does the author has for her assertion that the student assembly is being

Look, it’s impossible to tell what even happened the way these university activists even talk about the issues. They are so insulated from society at large that their jargon and lingo is impenetrable if you’re not in their direct social circle. They are not revolutionaries, they’re just a clique who think that if you

...It’s not fucking magic, Rebecca. You can somehow eat the food of other cultures without respecting them at ALL. Ask the British.

Can this friend come to work with me (where I’ve just returned after 7.5 months of medical leave) and remind people that it’s not appropriate or appreciated to compliment someone on their weight loss, esp. when it’s because I WAS REALLY FUCKING UNWELL ?

If we’re not allowed to scrape off half the cream cheese, 2/3 of the mayo, and all the ketchup we can manage, I won’t be able to order a damned thing. I’ll have to cook my own food. Which means I’ll starve.

It’s not a zero sum game. We can discuss both because both issues exist and are unnecessarily hurting children’s academic future. Plus, the “zero tolerance” policies definitely are enforced at a disproportionate rate to punish black and brown children more.

They’re not derailing at all. Zero tolerance policies at schools tend to have a bigger impact on children of color and they’re trying to bring that into this discussion.

Not necessarily—a lot of these policies are designed specifically in ways that allow racist practices to continue (such as the disproportionately harsh punishment of children of color in schools) while offering seemingly “impartial” rationales so that they don’t look racist. Mentioning those policies isn’t necessarily

Yes. And it’s especially important because they play together with the issues of racism and islamphobia.