Flying Spaghetti Monster

The difference is that HRC’s mistake was bigger, and her apology is weak. Bernie used an offensive word that is still used fairly commonly. The complaint against him was part of an effort to change that word’s prevalence in our culture. Hillary mis-remembered basic political history that she had lived through and

Can someone say this to my mother? She loves it when I lose weight even though she knows it is due to a long term debilitating condition and skinny me means I’ve been doing poorly.

Testing a new product line.

Nope. Zero tolerance policies are to kids as drug policy is to adults. In both cases whites and people of color “offend” at similar rates. The folks policing the situation, teachers in schools and police out in the world choose which infractions to initially pursue. A supposedly impartial system thus gets selectively

My wife’s MOH was a major bitch to me during the entire wedding weekend, picked a fight with my MOH, threatened to leave, made me cry, had her daughter play an uninvited violin solo for 45 mins and even she wasn’t “the worst”. That’s reserved for brawling, puking spectacularly, fucking one of the folks getting

I loved seeing mostly black faces on a fairly high profile show. Why yes, the host and one of the correspondents and the guest can all be black - even for a show with a largely white audience.