Wonderfully Disastrous

Burnouts on the drag strip? Cool. Burnout on the street with other traffic? Not cool, and makes me wonder if they have some kind of compensation issue.

Sadly, back in January, Fizzy was the victim of a house fire. Still reeling from it.

My 1989 Ciera was named “Fizzgig” after the character in Dark Crystal. Was a pretty apt name, too.

Firewall side plugs on a cutlass ciera 2.8 v6. Requires the engine to be taken off the mounts and rotated forward. 

Replacing the timing chain and gearset on my 1988 Ciera XC. Gm used nylon in their gearsets and it’s a ticking time bomb for the engine. Have the parts, have the tools, it’s really just a day long project I really don’t feel like doing.

This happened last weekend, my 1989 Cutlass Ciera sedan. Went down when my old house i was moving from presumably had an electrical fire.

Lada is right answer.

It’s fantastic to see a realistic reuse of old vehicles no one wants and running them in a suppotive economic capacity instead of clogging up boneyards. I approve of this 100%

Stupid rims, check. Questionable turbo upgrade, check. Moronic interior “upgrades", check. 10k truck at best asking for almost triple the price? Check. This is ND bingo, people.

Meanwhile: a 30 year old Ciera purchased for 150 bucks 3 years ago just did 500 miles this week and there was absolutely no drama to write an entire article about. Imma stick with the crapcan.

They weren’t horrible and i have a soft spot for them, the X bodies and A bodies. Funny enough my Ciera sedan is considea "compact"

I own a ciera (Fwd A-body) which oddly enough was the MOST stolen car in the us for awhile.

Didn’t even read, there’s only one answer, if you count cars sold and partially manufactured by an american manufacturer, and that is the Geo freaking Metro.

4k for shits and giggles? Hell yeah. 14k? Hell no.

I'll stick with my 89' ciera. Even with no airbags it somehow feels safer.

Reminds me of the astro van crash test. Which is also the reason i will never own an astrovan. Good to see china is slightly better than the best the 1990's had to offer in safety. Buy cheap, get cheap. 

They did in Mexico. Look up Chevrolet cutlass ciera eurosport, they made coupes up to 94! Only downside is i think the biggest engine with the 5 spd was the 2.8. 

Indeed it does! Red Dot 3.8, and optional FE3 suspension.

Considering the rust on my 89, highly unlikely. Still, love the old bastard. The other one is an 88 XC, pretty hard to find.

Voting with my heart instead of my brain, NP. You won't find a cleaner one anywhere, and I have a soft spot for unappreciated family cars from the 80's (I currently own 3 cutlass cieras).