They both have to fight Nicolas Cage?
They both have to fight Nicolas Cage?
I can’t believe im siding with....EA...
Fuck you. That movie’s great.
The native of China did not appear to understand the racial overtones of his work.
I mean, the gold standard for this is Every Breath You Take, is it not? Creepy as heck. Brilliant song.
Pedophilia absolutely kills people. They might want to damn a suicide to hell but a victim of CSA kills themselves I don’t believe that blood is on anybody’s hands but the people who did it and the people who ALLOWED it. Like fuckface clergy like this asshole. Not even to get into overdoses or accidental deaths from…
Veronica from Fallout: New Vegas. She was the first NPC I’ve ever completely altered a playthrough for based solely on the fact that she was my friend.
“Me”, and “restaurants I love.”
I’m not shopping a place that profits on low wages and absurd working condi....oh wait
What - were you raised by wolves?
I was blissfully unaware of his existence and you have spoiled that.
In the last couple weeks I have learned that there exist both a “Foodgod” and a “Salt Bae”. I wonder what wonders horrors I’m going to discover next.
That was the answer today too, but it was phrased more diplomatically.
And articles like this help me make an informed decision about which developers I support.
Just roll it into the price. Why does it have to be a surprise fee?
I mean, everything you just listed convinced me that having a pet over a child was the right decision.
#Furbabies #FelineChild #Cheaper #LessStress #SelfCleaning
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
How’d he go 27 hours without playing Lacrosse?