
Millions of bags of Doritos no wonder were having issues with kaiju.

Really liked DoFP and First class. Not Guardian's or Avengers level quality films but I watch both more than once. Patrick Stuart is an awesome Professor X so I'm glad they crossed over the franchises.

Not sure why we can't have both though. The universe that's built here can go in so many ways and there are many questions to be answered. I think it would be cool if we saw the world of the space jokeys playing out along side weyland oriented movies with a cross over at the end which has a crazy plot twist.

Does anyone else remember this guy:

Aww dang I left my career up there!

hmm not a lot of xmen...just storm. Are mutants cannon?

First I think video game competitions need to recognize real life Wii sports as an official event.

Captain obvious, I mean quicksilver:

It was hard to star your post with my smartphone in my butt, mirrors and cocaine seemed to help immensely ~ lol.

It doesn't have a SCSI port or floppy drive! Google you've lost your minds!

Is it just my 2014 perspective but I think both are way too epic and pretentious. Maybe this one less so, but it doesn't sound futuristic enough.

Sorry but the first and last third of this movie were not that great:

The new crew meet up with a younger Nelix, Bashir and lieutenant Barkley. They dock at DS9 to talk through a piece treaty between two races that look exactly like humans with macaroni on there head and dress like a 80's aerobics program. Lens flares everywhere.

In the 80's I would say this guy from flight of the navigator:

Never noticed, I'll have to rewatch.

They don't have the rights to surfer, and Adam Warlock hasn't been introduced but I hope they do something similar as fan service.

Satan soap woooooo. Watch out.

Looks like all the magic happened 70 million years ago. Achaeopteryx after a wild evening has 5 babies a chicken, stork, dodo, emu and eagle ;)