
Yeah totally not accurate! It enrages me. But the real questions revolve around mothra. I mean where does a catapiller the size of bus hide? What tree would be big enough?! Some say General Sherman, the giant redwood. I say NOT scientifically possible. And also I say seriously?! I think we all know it would take more

With these movies so close to hearts of fans any plot would be dissected. I personally like the idea of bring these guys back. Just hope they more like obi wan type mentors with screen time rather then trying to reprise there roles. R2 and CP30 maybe could show some effects of time also. Some rust, glitches, maybe


This seem like plagiarism, but I'm more curious about who paid $5.7 million. How are they savvy enough to have $5.7 million in walking around cash and blow it in this?

The carbon dating couldn't be right...

So now we know what happens in a Terminator, Darth Vader Mars Attacks 3 way. Not sure that was question anyone asked but here we are.

I was worried how a treeman could look cool outside of the pages of a comic, but thats a slam dunk. Looks amazing. Picturing Vin's voice slow a deliberate with a old tree creeking effect. Now the racoon how does that not look like howard the duck with guns and amo?

Gambit!! Why no xman?

Oh man curiosity can be a bad thing...can't unsee. Wondering why it was as long a his forearm before the re-attachment and kinda nub like after. Did he get the short end of the "stick" or is it some sort of penis iceberg type effect where more dong is below the surface.

So wonder woman is an advanced fighter pilot from and the invisible jet is a stealth prototype. Her weapons are not magic but technology. Her gadgets are made by same outfitter as batman. There is an ancient kryptonian power source they are she searching for, wonder women has the inside scoop on this through a family

Imagine your on a successful first date, you head back to the dates home. They open the door and there lies this which is the only furniture and on the couch you are greeted by 100 or so live cats.

Punisher would be another one that nobody can get right. Sure the origins lean on the right themes but casting and acting is always so bad. It's vengeance story and would lend itself so well to the gritty dark trend. How is this not easy? You don't even need amazing costuming that nods to silver age while still looks

The goggles ze do nothing!!

Seasons 1-10 boring. Just hot bubbling magma. Then finally some character development. But then 100 seasons of just one character eating another. Then all of the interesting stuff happened during the credits and in fast forward?? What a let down.

So lets get this straight 2000 years ago there is a guy who believes in loving your brother as you would love your self. So much so he dies for his beliefs. Flash forward and there are numerous groups thoughtout history who murder other groups on mass becuase ironically they have don't belive this same guy was indowed

I think we should proportionally extend sentences and offer criminals the the choice to reduce there own sentences through mind/body alteration. More so then with a normal rehabilitation good behavior plan. Then the choice is still theirs, they may for example not want certain compulsions. There is more security for

We once had elderly lady put her car in drive instead of reverse and she crashed through the Window of our rental place. The heat from the engine melted the returns. So in a world before the interwebs this meant no new releases for a week. This ongoing risk aside I miss high quality video, easy selection of titles

Adding shark with lazers!