Soda Popinski

Actually Stephen Miller is more of an influence than Pence is at the moment. He co-wrote the travel ban EO with Bannon and co-wrote the inaugural. That guy is a scary whackjob, and more needs to be written about his influence on the administration.

Alternative jewels . . . just like my alternative Rolex.

+1 for as hot of a take as that steaming hot bowl of chicken soup from Mama Rodgers

Spicer was also good enough to note Aaron Rodgers’ gracious comments after the game, how he would never have gotten as far as he has without the love and support of his mom, dad, and brother Jordan.

Hey Morning Edition is good stuff!

JFYI, the New Yorker is just 12 issues, not 12 months.

JFYI, the New Yorker is just 12 issues, not 12 months.

You really have to commend both players for at least trying to get themselves in the best position to prepare themselves for the Australian Open. It’s not like they spent a day off before the Open partying on a boat in Miami or anything.

Now playing

Steve Jobs on Yahoo’s social media guy . . .

Rex now has at least one foot in the coaching grave . . .

Well he had to call the Chiefs-Broncos game, which is pretty darn close to that.

Actually the Russians would be doing us all a favor if they managed to bring the NFL down a notch or two.

The Empire loves hard disc copies as much as it hates safety railings.

It all goes back to the candidate. Hillary the candidate just wasn’t appealing enough to motivate millennials and African Americans to turn out in the rust belt states strongly enough to counteract the white working class voters who were extremely eager to turn out to vote for Trump. Millennials and African

Vlad the Impaler is without a doubt one of the 10 best players on this year’s ballot.

I’m glad Coach Petrino was able to get his convincing, well written statement typed out before the remaining 3% of his battery power ran out.

“You don’t get what you want, you get what you deserve.”

The entire NFL has turned into a Poopfest.

Hester’s peak was short, mostly because teams stopped kicking to him and the Bears’ brief attempts to convert him into an out-and-out wide receiver failed to harness his defense-busting tendencies.

Looks like it’s on to Plan B for the Rams . . .

Yeah they blow past that salary cap at Alabama every year.