
He's one of the most successful comedy producers ever…

But I like Lost in Translation


You didn't see Inside Out?

I'm pretty sure that the food desert hypothesis didn't hold up under scrutiny, or was at least significantly weakened, when studies started to be done on it a few years ago.

I feel like this is Obama's greatest strength, campaign-wise. I think his time in community organizing and in the state senate taught him how to simultaneously project both authority and and an easy rapport (depending on who you ask, of course) really well.

I think we can all agree that John McCain's was the best.

It's such a great game. Also perfect for a remake. You're in luck!

Is it possible to separate the discussion of subjectivity vs objectivity in art journalism and the same in our wider journalistic climate (political or otherwise)? It seems like the same strand of thinking behind "everyone's opinion is equally valid" which brought us the global warming "controversy" also backs the

As for why other people slag on it, I can't really say. I can only speak for my personal taste, but SOS in Bel Air is the only song I particularly enjoy on that album.

Though it doesn't reach the highs of Wolfgang, where almost every song had a great hook, I quite like this album, especially more than Bankrupt!

In fact, a huge point in the court battle over ACA concerning the appropriation of Medicaid funds toward the states had to do with the placement of a comma.

I really liked Fringe, at least.

I enjoyed Guardians and the first half of Winter Solder, but Civil War was not very good, certainly none were as good as the mentioned MI and EoT movies.

I liked the movie overall, but I was actually really bothered how Wonder Woman is glorified in killing all these people (who she was only informed by Steve were the "bad guys") and was never explicitly subverted.

One of my dad's favorite stories is how mad he was at my grandmother for falling asleep during the climactic battle in the first film.

I don't think there's a substitute, unfortunately. I remember the gasps around the theater when you first see all those bubbles floating around, and it feel like you've become completely immersed, a buzzword that I think really does apply here.

I watched the majority of the show with my parents, and I remember discussing with my dad how "The Constant" was probably the best episode of TV we'd seen at the time. It really exemplifies what the show is all about: a heart of great characters and human stories heightened by this cool sci-fi thriller backdrop.

Totally agree. When I think of Lost, I mostly think of individual episodes. It does make for a nice rewatch, because I can go back to my favorite episodes and not feel like I'm missing something if I don't continue.

I didn't think of that. It would kind of smooth out the viewing experience, given that the bad ones have less of a lasting impact.