
People who watch LOST now on Netflix are really missing out on a huge portion of the experience (especially for the first season). The week-to-week wait is, of course, almost essential to the intended effect of the mystery, and the not-yet-fragmented audience for network television meant that the central mystery could

Ironically, that's the kind of show that makes up it's money on blu-ray sales.

I thought was pretty bad, but I had a film professor in college for whom Speed Racer was brilliant. After seeing this opinion more and more, I think there's been a critical revaluation on that one.

Can anyone really tell what's hyperbole anymore?

Orange Is the New Black also features a ton of LGBT characters. Considering we're less than 5% of the population, it doesn't bother me too much. We also have shows featuring a LGBT protagonist like Transparent, Orphan Black, House of Cards, The Good Place (probably, according to Kristen Bell), and I'm sure a lot more

Like many depictions of modern college students done by middle aged satirists, this one didn't seem quite right, seemingly relying upon cherrypicked depictions. I recently graduated from one of our most liberal universities and didn't once hear the words "safe space" uttered by a professor.

Did somebody make a youtube video on this topic? I feel like I've read this hot take 20 times in the last 6 months.

I was forced to sit in front of a TV playing Fox News for an hour before my doctor's checkup. Anyway, now I have to keep track of my blood pressure for 4 weeks and cut down on the salt intake because my doctor thinks I may have pre-hypertension. F you, Fox News.

In high school, I think most of us assumed kids were cool based on if they were on the baseball team and had good social skills. I feel like this obsession with music taste was among only a very niche crowd.

Looking at this comments section, it makes me sad to see people hate Yale students so much. I'd imagine it has to do with how we're depicted in movies/tv, as kind of pretentious jerks. (I think of Good Will Hunting.) In reality, we're just 1000 of your nerdiest friends from high school plus 200 elitist prep school

Percent net federal outlays are actually slightly higher now than they were in the 50s-70s. A higher percentage is just going toward the healthcare of baby boomers. So it's less cognitive dissonance and more cynical self interest.

Yep, New Haven actually has a lot of great restaurants and one of the best pizza restaurants in the nation in Pepe's.

You're right. The next episodes make it even more clear that the show takes place in a more satirical space.

I think he cares a lot about how politics is perceived in general. In fact, this was a major theme of the end of his presidency. He often talks about wanting to take the cynicism out of politics. This was a big missed opportunity to help that.

It's difficult to overstate how dire the situation was in 2008-9. The size of the shock was actually greater in proportion to that which caused the Great Depression. The federal reserve literally had interns running through the streets with millions of dollar in bonds in shopping carts. We needed the perfect not to be

Wow, hot take alert!

Yeah, I personally have no problem with him taking the money. I realize the optics aren't great, though, especially for people who don't follow politics that closely, and I wish he'd just have pledged it straight to charities from the start.

I was very happy with how the twist ending put a bow on this.

I replied this earlier, but it was caught in the spam filter.

I remember thinking that Avatar was going to absolutely bomb. I've learned not to doubt James Cameron.