
That also struck ol' ignorant me as a misstep. I'm sure people who are actually programmers found it even worse.

The great thing about the show is that there are multiple levels to many of the jokes. So, if one level sails over my head, I'm usually still laughing.

This was a conversation last year, so I can't remember the particular ones we were talking about. I can get back to you in a couple months when I see them again, though. Alternatively, I read a great New Yorker online article about the general research that goes into it a while back. http://www.newyorker.com/cu…

I loved TPM when I saw it at 7 and similarly thought Jar Jar was hilarious. It's honestly a great kids' movie.

Don't be a dick. Obviously most of the jokes are aimed at general audiences.The extensive research that goes into the show means that they leave a few inside jokes, however. Of course they know they're being satirized. Some people can take a joke.

The few VC guys i know are consistently amazed how accurate this show is with jokes that only like 30,000 people will catch.

All the sadder that William was dispatched.

I think it's something like his parents' anniversary is the week they schedule these things

So much good music has been released recently. I'm still especially listening to Laura Marling and Valerie Jones.

You don't need Colbert to normalize Bill. The guy had a hit TV show for 20 years. He's about as mainstream Republican as you can get.

I guess so. She's really big among a certain crowd, though. Yeah, I read her new album was a bit of a disappointment in terms of airplay, which was surprising to me. I do really like Rihanna as a pop star, but I wasn't a huge Anti fan for whatever reason.

I assumed it was a joke.

I remember thinking, at the beginning, how immersive all the bubbles in the water were. Though the movie as a whole is mixed in terms of quality, the 3D was consistently spectacular, and that's still a singular movie moment for me, one which I might not be surprised to remember 30 years from now, even once I no longer

My biggest fear about this movie is that they're just going to remake Empire TFA style. Don't waste your one good director for this one dammit! Once Colin Trevorrow takes over, all hope is lost.

Her, Florence Welch, and Grimes for me

And who hated Avatar in theaters? Let alone for "unimpressive 3D graphics"?

Especially if you saw it at release in theaters in 3D.

How did you feel about The One I Love?

Am I missing something or isn't that only Kindle Unlimited customers?

Skyfall is good too, if only for Roger Deakins