
If I'm going to a mixed media museum, I'm happy to hear them use content. I just think that 99% of the time it refers to videos on youtube.

Kind of reminds me of Kanye's Black Skinhead video.

That monologue also seems like a remarkably self-aware moment for the show.

Thankfully, I wasn't aware that was a thing.

Not really on the same level, but I really can't stand it when people refer to youtube videos as "content." Just call it a video!

A little bit of poor man's Joaquin Phoenix in there.

Avatar is basically an animated movie.

I feel like that scene of him and the boy running is a Bicycle Thieves reference, but it's been a really long time since I saw that movie.

Pete is such a little shit, and I love him for it. His "happy" ending was pretty perfect.

The directing this episode really stuck out to me. Rebels has certainly had some pretty episodes before, but this seemed head and shoulders above previous episodes in terms of each shot and cut consistently being done in a thematically interesting way, especially once Ezra gets to Tatooine. Speaking of, did Tatooine

Are we allowed to like them both?

People do illogical things in action sequences all the time, usually with the excuse that people aren't thinking clearly in these situations. It makes movies cinematic. My theory as to why people have a problem with that scene specifically is that it was edited poorly, especially when it shows that wide angle shot,

I think she's Turkish.

I honestly laughed at the dinosaur scene, mainly because while it's patently absurd, I recognized that it was absolutely working for me.

I think that's closer to the original screenplay, if I remember correctly.

I don't blame people for not liking a movie (with Brad Pitt in its marketing) that they plainly weren't prepared to see. Just from intuition, I think the formal difficulty was probably more important than the thematic difficulty.

Basically all gas pricing is honestly incredibly perplexing/amusing/weird, probably owing to their public nature, the frequency with which they're changed, the fact that there's no actual quality difference between the brands (It's all the same. People just like paying more for nicer branding.), the profoundly weird

Though it's one of my favorite movies, The Tree of Life is very hard to defend against detractors. Yes, it can be pretentious, the characters are archetypical, and there is, in fact, a scene of a dinosaur displaying empathy for its prey. It's an extremely flawed movie, but that's why we love it. Beneath the stunning

Much of my time is actually spent researching gas pricing patterns at the pump. The gas station business is ridiculously competitive. Most gas stations are basically small franchises paying for branding rights from Shell, Valero, etc. If there's a way to cut prices, they find it. Gas is actually sold for less than

I hadn't heard the environment argument before. That one actually makes sense a lot of sense (if there really is enough runoff to justify the policy, and this isn't just some rent-seeking effort by gas companies). I had always heard the "jobs" argument, which is related to the old "paying people to dig holes and