
Oregon is the same way. Kind of dumb in my opinion. If people valued full service they would pay for it. Tough for me to see the market failure that necessitates govt intervention in this case.

Understandable. (Although I'd quibble with your characterization of the article as describing metal as a problem rather than it having a problem.) However, there's still a good difference between not liking something and becoming offended by it.

Something like The Road.

I liked it a lot, especially the dialogue between the main trio/the farmhouse family and the thematic elements. I thought the villains were a big weak point, though, and I think there's a way to make the film as a post-apocalyptic road movie without them at all. I also thought the ultraviolence and cursing was a bit

As Iggy says and as the final scene makes explicit, in many ways, the film is a rejection of the superhero as Christ-figure iconography. (I think of MoS and Spiderman 2 specifically.) In this movie, Logan, his powers a "mistake of God" and weaponized by human greed, cuts down his enemies in brutal, hand-to-claw

I haven't read much about the logistics of the politics surrounding the bill, but my guess is that the Republicans simply haven't put in the necessary work. The ACA was gestating in some form for 20 years, was a primary subject of debate in liberal circles throughout the 2008 presidential campaign, had been mostly

But, yeah, Mitch McConnel was quite brilliant in using the inherent conservativeness of the levers of American government against Obama.

Well Joe Lieberman effectively killed the public option, so I don't think we were going to see anything more liberal than the Heritage Foundation-inspired bill than we got past the fillibuster.

Also, who gets offended when someone criticizes their interest? Perhaps I might feel insulted if it seemed a criticism of something I enjoy was unfair, but not offended.

I don't think I've listened to a metal song since 6th grade, but I can tell the article is clearly describing a problem that only exists on the fringes of the genre. Nobody, except perhaps an editorialized title, is saying that a fascination with Nazi-ism is a widespread problem in the genre, only that, if any

The plan is much closer to Obamacare than I would've expected only a few years ago. The worst parts are definitely the medicaid expansion ending in 2020, and the weird incentives created by charging people more after a break in coverage. Shitty, but it's not as bad as it could be.

It seems unreasonably hard to find the full episodes of these.

Having not seen the show in 5 years, I find this comment a little concerning.

What was wrong with goobacks? It's been ages since I've seen it but I remember it being pretty clever.

Option 4: a social media intern got a stern talking to.

Chidi does still wear glasses.

Hey! For those of us with lactose intolerance, froyo is a blessing! If you're also white, it's basically heaven.

I like them both!

I did really enjoy the first 30 minutes of TFA, and wish they had continued with that story, where we explore the ruins, underbelly, and aftermath of our galaxy in search of Luke, rather than having Rey run up against Harrison Ford's single-movie contract.

The podcast is over? I was wondering why it hadn't been updated in a while.