
I really wanted a flashback of Jon Snow frantically carving out all those cave drawings overnight with Davos.

The tone seemed very generic, like it could've been a spin off of Divergent.

Considering the creators, I have no idea how Fringe turned out so good.

The Berg/Harvard thing seemed so over the top that I interpreted it as sarcastic in some way.

I'm all for treating them as the silly kids' movies they are, but I think the main criticism leveled at TFA was that it didn't grow and change.

I'm actually pretty excited for this despite myself really not enjoying TFA, as I actually have confidence in Rian Johnson. There's a decent chance it's my last SW film, though, as I am really not looking forward to Trevorrow taking the reins and the Anthology films have not inspired confidence. Is it too late to hire

The first 30 minutes were really charming, and the new characters oozed charisma. But after that, you can't escape that sinking feeling that this was a movie made not to tell a story but to fulfill a corporate mandate. The prequels at least felt like they were made by a person.

Yep. I loved TPM. It was made for children, and children loved it. Plus, at least it felt like it was made by a (maybe kinda racist?) person and not by committee.

I personally didn't enjoy it past the first 30 minutes, but I know I'm in the minority. I am really looking forward to this one, though, since they actually got a good director for it. Sadly, if Trevorrow still gets the next one, it might be my last Star Wars film.

I really like Sweet Nothing, though it might be more to Welch than Calvin Harris. In any case, it's such an unprofessional way to write.

I'm just now realizing I conflated their stories in my head.

Janet Snakehole was way too good for Burt Macklin

I kind of want to know what the swipes at Pixar are. I'm always interested to see what animation studios think of each other.

Thanks for sharing. I love The Tatami Galaxy and Black Lagoon, so I'm looking forward to what their directors are up to. And The Girl without Hands looks great.

I'm not expecting the director of Snowpiercer to offer a thoughtful and precise critique on anything related to capitalism. Fun, on the other hand…

I don't think neoliberal is the right word here, as it is usually restricted to the context of economic policy. The picture is certainly the Last Supper of Hawkish something, though.

The reason is that the undergrad is easier to get into but still grouped within the Ivy League. I only heard maybe two people joke about it in four years at yale, though, and I don't think most people even know that it's part public. (I certainly didn't.) That said, the jokes I remember in Broad City are more good

Just because he lost his fastball doesn't mean he wasn't a good pitcher.

Hope you gave The Good Place a try.

I was watching that, thinking how much I would've appreciated that quality of teacher (and students too) at my middle class school.