
A grim day for Robotkind. Eh, but we can always build more killbots!

I got impatient and bought the Blu-ray from France; this movie is beautiful and does the story justice. If you like the book I think you'll like the movie.

Not with that attitude they won't.

If you press F you can go faster and outrun the snowmen, although more appear and you'll have to avoid running into them. I've heard it eventually loops back around to the top if you survive long enough.

"a seemingly harmless guy like Doc Brown"

You can also download SkiFree from its creator, recompiled for 32 bit Windows (compatible with 64 bit Windows), for free at http://ski.ihoc.net/
And Chip's Challenge is available on Steam, along with a sequel and map editor. It does follow the original Amiga look and rules, which are slightly different from the old

Blue is also a complimentary color to yellow/orange, which is actually what human skin tone is a variation on (regardless of race), usually just really desaturated. Crank up the chroma levels way beyond what is sane on a video and you can make people look like Oompa Loompas.

Good luck folks. Don't let them force you into using their IT department (ETS). My experience has been they employ a lot of incompetent people. One guy took down my station's network just before the newscast (IIRC it was less than ten minutes before), even though I told him he needed to wait until the show was over to

I'm reminded of a bit from comedian Gary Gulman, seen in this appearance on Conan: http://teamcoco.com/video/g…
The relevant part starts at 2:30

I would assume the early arcade games got the idea for lives and extra lives directly from their more mechanical predecessor, the pinball machine. There it serves a more useful purpose of ending a game which would otherwise have no end.

Keep in mind with Gruden, a lot of his commentary seems to revolve around him reminding people of what a Great Head Coach he was and highlighting that he would still be a Great Head Coach for any NFL team interested in contacting him. Seriously, just make the phone call and he'll be there.

Someone hit Teti with the cattle prod; he needs a reboot.

It's just Bortles and Bortles! Bortles and Bortles and their adventures, Bortles! Bortles and Bortles forever and forever, 100 years, Bortles and Bortles's things! Me and Bortles and Bortles running around and… Bortles and Bortles time! All day long, forever… all- a hundred days! Bortles and Bortles forever a hundred

Re: Sam Rosen: wasn't an economy of words one reason that so many considered Pat Summerall a great play-by-play man?

Carolina Panthers use their radio guys.

Just pointing out that video is hosted on the Universal Studios YouTube page and appears to have been made in part to promote the 30th Anniversary Special Edition Boxed Set, released today. The istodaythedaymartymcflyarri… website just embedded it on their site. We might as well award the A.V. Club for every video

Just for fun, that works out to $771.54 per screen over the entire weekend.

Wait, should I stop reading the reviews here?

Do we really want to bring him back after what he tried to do to Matthew McConaughey? And more than anyone, why would Jessica Chastain try to help?