
“Imagine if someone proposed a bill allowing companies to drill for oil on Christian church grounds.”

So I’ve been championing my own solution: Pokemon Home as a one-stop for post-game care and competitive content.

The sequel we all want, but I want a “Build-Your-Own Agent” theme where your agent travels the globe and meets with all the teams.

I will never miss an opportunity to say I want a sequel to this gem. There’ve been so many new, inspiring ways to play music rhythm games, but none give me that feeling EBA did.

This is giving me heavy Harmoknight from the 3DS vibes and now I need to go resuscitate that machine to play it.

Hey Kotaku East/Brian et al, has Kotaku ever done a queer geek travel guide for Japan? I’m trying to plan a vacation there, but all the gay bar recs seem a few years outdated, but is there any specific advice to traveling-while-gay in Japan? And also just general safety? I’m sure that general tourist stuff is easy

This is a very good point.

But is that the same as things like the light house or billboard?

Did they mention anything about public work projects and the player character’s mayorship? I’m less interested in the mayorship, but I’d hate to lose public works. Those made my town feel both more unique and grand.

Honestly this is all I care about rn.

So not someone at Instagram specifically, but someone at the company that Instagram outsources customer support to:

So, as someone who has worked in the tech industry in the customer support sphere, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that there’s a customer service rep from one of Instagram’s business process outsourcing sites exploiting their access to people’s accounts for profit and their entire team is in on the scam.

Nintendo has proven it can do VR if it’s designed as a VR experience from the ground-up: the actual Labo games are exactly that, good VR designed to be VR. Where they’re losing it is they’re tacking on VR to experiences designed for traditional, on-screen gaming and onto an inferior viewing machine.

So Switch version when? Honestly, I (and I’m sure the rest of the world) would buy the fuck out of a cel-shaded, stories-art-styled (and less graphically intensive) version of the game on Switch. Also with amiibo support.

I know this happens every year, and I’m still surprised when that time comes around. These are as gorgeous as always.

Question as a non-sneaker collector: How do I actually buy these shoes? Do I just wait for a release date and check the adidas site? Special boutique shops? Do I need an invitation?!

So when are we going to get an analysis of what Detective Pikachu did right, and what this movie did wrong?

Hey Stephen, what do you think makes a successful 2nd party eShop title (like this, Pushmo and Dillon’s Rolling Western) but keeps other titles (like Harmoknight) back? Was it because there was a gameplay mechanic to expand on? Or is it totally based on sales? What is the balance?

Wanna drop some of the ID’s for the custom stages you played here? I loved the Tetris stage!

Maryland is a very Democratic-leaning state and there’s no winning at a state-level as a Republican in MD without centrist-progressive policies.