
With the 1/100 and whatnot relating to coins and moons I’m getting the feeling that this is Nintendo’s response to the cry for Platform Collectathon-style games. Yooka Laylee didn’t nail it, but Nintendo might (will?).

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the ‘join with “frienemies” mechanic seems to be borrowing powers from Crystal Shards. (aka The curling stone)

Can we be over beards please? I’m at beard saturation and starting to revert to preferring clean-cut guys. No amount of muscle-studness can counteract a messy, overgrown beard.

As someone with a PS4 Pro to anyone considering it; don’t do it. It’s not worth it.

Are they adding Sinnoh?

And there are still people who say video games aren’t art?

And here I am, the rube who bought an iPhone 7, now without a headphone jack... Can someone explain why the Switch can’t use bluetooth headphones? And is it possible for Nintendo to patch it in later?

I have been very tempted to purchase these cards before, but am too deep in the real amiibo collection to start with the cards too. The production quality looks great and seems like a great fix for people who want a smaller investment for digital content. I don’t know why Nintendo hasn’t done Zelda packs or Mario

My commute involves a decent (though not as much as it used to) amount of D.C. Metro transportation, and as long as you’re comfortable pulling it out during rush hour it’s great to pass time. For a while after it’s initial release it replaced my 3DS as my primary portable gaming machine. Since I’ve beaten Zelda pretty

Could the Metroid Prime series work with a VR option. I don’t mean to have Nintendo build the entire experience under the idea that it’s a VR game, but maybe a TV Regular Controller + Console game that functions well with VR and JoyCon. I think that could work, giving Nintendo fans the novelty without the commitment

I don’t know! Do we have a doctor who can weigh in on this?!

In my very not-scientific study I’ve found that all tops don’t know they’re bottoms till they meet me... #sarcasm

He had me until:

1. Not being a fan or viewer I legitimately did not know Property Brother X was married/engaged/whatever.

Legitimately, I saw his tagging “SecondLady” and I was looking for Ivanka in the pic. Then I remember Mike Pence and mother are persons...

Thank you for this Bobby. My boyfriend and I needed some new poses for when we take photos together and the obvious choice was to emulate these two...

I love the game and I love Nintendo, but the way queer characters were represented here was upsetting to me. It’s like they took a few 80's gay stereotypes and used them as costumes. Bolson. Vila. Even the great fairies were made “queer” in some sense. Not in a way that celebrates queer culture but to make them more

I was playing on my commute home and realized that you can “sail” a ship by using magnesis to push a metal box against the mast. It’s SO much faster than any other way of doing it too!

Costumes would be the new hats. Nintendo is letting this money slip through their fingers!

Link in a Switch logo tee. I guess the Zelda timeline is our timeline?