
That reminds me... Any news on getting Detective Pikachu on 3DS’ outside of Japan?

This is great and all, but I think the important takeaway here is that Nintendo seems to be willing to update older games with new amiibo functionality. I think this is a great move that tiptoes borders of fan service.

I don’t judge any fetish, even if the fact that plants don’t need diapers contradicts said fetish.

That piranha plant has a name thank you. It’s Petey and it made me much more self-concious about belly buttons than I have the right to be.

Is there a list of games you think Nintendo will port to the NX?

I think the developer “Dream Games” is located in Azerbaijan... Or at least Their phone number on their Facebook page has the country code 994.

Am I correct in assuming The Last Story hasn’t made it to the Nintendo eShop? I vaguely remember a re-release of some sort but I could be misremembering. I never got the chance with it when it was on Wii...

Definitely Meowth!

I’m in support of a third party US publisher doing this. Limited investment from the original publisher/developer, but we’d (hopefully) still get top notch localizations or great titles like this. I read recently of a little company that wants to do just that:…

This has been the latest rumor and I’m kind of in love with it. I’m big on creating custom artwork for my game cases, and I would be really disappointed in a digital only future.

Not even that worked! Wtf Pokemon?! You're stifling my creative freedom!

Don’t judge what a Pokemon does in his own bedroom; with or without two other Pokemon.

I also tried “Dicklet”. Didn't work.

Quick note, it doesn’t allow for profanity, so those of you with unscrupulous intentions will need to get creative. It wouldn’t even let me write “poopie”...

Your list is bad and you should feel bad.

I think a certain someone could help answer that...

So mine is kind of long, convoluted, and ultimately sad but here it is:

Looks like DK has a kinky side.

Any element you might find in a 2D Mario game, you can just place on your level with a simple tap.

This might make VR worth it for me.