
True story. I once dumped a girl because her favorite cracker was a Triscuit. I couldn’t look her in the eye after learning this. Well that and she fucked my roommate. I still get bitter and angry about it all these years later. Triscuits? How could she have been such a bad person?

In case you’re having trouble making out all the audio, here’s a transcript of how that all went down:

Wait until they introduce their plan to light orphans on fire.

Don’t be silly.

Kids these days are so soft. Back in my day, you weren’t done in Oregon until you died of dysentery.

Also please add the free confidential crisis text line 741-741

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

So let me get this straight: The post in question wasn’t written by Kukla, but rather, someone from Kukla’s Clan?

Nothing wrong with being dirty in the Sheetz.... so I’m told.

lol, k.

I found out the same day I took my son’s mom to the gyn and learned I was going to be a father! :)

Man, Waldo is getting really fucking lazy these days.

Mayonnaise on everything and subjugating brown people.

Next time you are hanging out with your buddies, trip one and kick the other in the balls. Then report back about who was more upset.

The DNC is fucked because they:

We should probably blame white women. Not even being sarcastic.

Now, now, I think Republican state houses in Wisconsin and NC and other places that drastically curtailed the voting rights of their minority constituents deserve a lot of credit too!

I think Chip doesnt have meltdowns at every 9ers press conference because he knows that anytime he wants, he can go back to college and get worshipped again.

Former D-1 Basketball Team Manager here. Urbana guy fleeing the bench was going to register posterized player for grief counseling. And do his homework.