John Miller? John Barron? Is that you?
John Miller? John Barron? Is that you?
That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.
+1 He’s just a family friend
They should be happy they don’t live on the Island of Sodor. You can’t go more that 100 feet without running into a train the railway network is that vast.
Sure I guess. I mean it depends on where you’re from. I’ve heard about people from Louisiana you know, they’re trying to send us rapists and muderers. But some, I assume are good people.
It’s the same difference that makes white armed insurgents that unlawfully occupy government land ‘patriots’, and black men that are merely existing ‘dangerous thugs’.
She probably wants them to promptly investigate, make a determination as to whether it’s more likely it happened than not, and then act accordingly. The DNC is a private organization and he has no legal entitlement to being a delegate, so whatever process they feel like giving him is the only process to which he’s…
Counterpoint: Ryan Lotche
Ha ha, that is pretty awesome.
And to be fair, Santa is a complete sleaze.
Yes, in replying to the OP commenting on that worse than useless woman, who sure found her way to opening her door for a microphone though, it’s fair to focus on her inaction.
You forgot to mention whether this news will impact the Knicks’ decision.
Sorry for the long windedness, but as someone who spent 2 years sober in AA, then spent the last 2 years drinking and am now trying to get sober again (4 days) I speak from experience. AA has a lot of plus sides. If you are struggling with addiction and don’t know where to go I HIGHLY recommend you start there. For…
i personally think it’s a-okay if someone wants to find a non spiritual solution that works for them. AA def isnt for everyone. but i disagree that the program requires blaming yourself. also alcohol is not an all powerful deity that we are unable to resit. the whole point of the steps is that we are able to resist…
The only thing worse than a millennial is a burnout GenXer who bitches about millennials, or a Boomer who’s “pulled themselves up by the bootstraps” of being born in to one of the luckiest generations to ever be born.
Of course! In America we have a fine tradition of First Ladies who kill.
High school sports story: the other coach kept yelling from the dugout that I was a “nothing pitcher,” so my old, wobbly coach limped out to the mound and told me this: the other coach is an asshole, and to not be confused, because assholes always think being an asshole is important. Then he limped back and took his…