Well, this will probably end outside of a trial. Since he’s 17, there’s no death penalty to go after. I’m sure the public defender’s job will just be to try to get it from a life without parole to 25 to life.
Well, this will probably end outside of a trial. Since he’s 17, there’s no death penalty to go after. I’m sure the public defender’s job will just be to try to get it from a life without parole to 25 to life.
Yes, I’m jaded too, but I also don’t think the statement made by police in any way strips this kid of his rights.
Yeah, I thought his statements went too far (and also were borderline non-sensical: “We’re very confident, with a high degree of probability of confidence”).
Pro-tip: Do not read the comment section of any local papers covering this arrest.
That’s not an uncommon statement made by police when they make an arrest, particularly in a sensational case. I don’t think it’s going to make a single bit of difference in court. I think it’s pretty much a given that the police are supposed to catch the guilty party, since that’s their job. Of course, they’re going…
Such a play is known as a Kobe, as it allows you to pass to yourself and involves an asshole.
I’ll have you know Andy Reid eats a lot of fruit in the form of cakes and pies!
Report: Andy Reid threw scout’s cheese danish into his belly!
I only have this issue when I eat at the Y
Pretty sure “Dancing” usually almost always implies fucking.
Asshole Fan #1: I think think that coin hit her. It may have hurt her.
He’s downright dewy.
I have never seen a better example of the word “glistening”. I guess he doesn’t want to drink the Mexican water...so he smuggles gallons of clean American drinking water over the border, on his skin.
No aid package is complete unless Flint gets free well-run preschool for all children, and an army of child psychologists and special Ed teachers. Funded for at least a generation. Fuck that, these kids need counsellors and education programs funded for their entire education. Guaranteed. Right. Now.
Is it just me or did Yoko’s tweet make sense?
Stop right there. First off, it doesn’t say who broke up with whom, so let’s not assume. Secondly, I know this is Jezebel, but let’s not allow our immediate reaction to a tragedy be to use it to further our own ideologies. I mean, you’re not wrong, but that’s not the point; in the wake of a tragedy, it’s natural to…
Louisville’s James Burgess Ejected 11 Seconds Into Music City Bowl
ROFL, I wonder how bad Marcus Hayes is giving it to Bowen & Donnellon right now...