
She should just get revenge the old fashioned way. Egg those in opposition to Trump. It will be a two birds type of thing. First, she gets that revenge. Second, those people will really need sustenance. After all, they will have no Medicaid, raise in the min wage, access to contraception. Win win!

Personally I feel like she knows exactly what she is doing and deserves no sympathy. But there is a small part of me that thinks maybe they have Barron as leverage and there are implicit threats if she goes off script. And a smaller part hopes maybe she will one day have had enough and blow the whole thing up. But

I wonder how many abortions that creep has paid for. Not that I am upset that he prevented more of his spawn from poisoning the globe. Just would love for that to come out and watch the mental gymnastics the Religious Right has to go through to keep from self immolation. You can already see some of them developing

Maybe Trump was right. John Lewis really needs to fix broken Atlanta!

I actually just apologized watching the video. Just in case she was talking to me.

It’s alternative energy! Baby steps!

Considering the incoming Secretary of Educations concern about bears in the classroom, this certainly doesn’t bode well for the rest of our furry friends.

Boy when Greg reads his ex tweeting and laughing about his dick in the same tweet, he is gonna be..... really bummed and mad. Wish I could have found a single word that applied.

Trump: Who needs Obama’s shabby leftovers! Sad! We have our own classy, 24 carat gold play ground! It is the best playground ever! Did I say it was classy?

That Margaret Atwood quote really inspired me. Someone just throw a plugged in toaster into my fucking bath. I want it to be over quick.

This woman actually worked for the county child welfare agency.

We sure this isn’t a Jackson Browne biopic?

I wonder if he got the inevitable sigh and tap on the shoulder like everyone does. Wait, everyone gets that, right?

What do you think I have 57 minutes and 5 seconds to watch International Badminton while I am at work?

Fucking all Meryl Streep’s fault!

I am a Wawa guy but my daughter goes to school in Lancaster and has convinced me that Sheetz covers a great fried food niche that Wawa doesn’t. We tell ourselves that there is no comparable alternative to make ourselves feel better. I always feel a little dirty coming out of a Sheetz, though.

What’s with her lip? Did they forget to zip up her collagen injection port?

Venn diagram of Duke fans and Cardinal fans.

I guess I got really lucky but that is exactly how I received the news that I had chlamydia.