Ever have potato salad on saltines?
Ever have potato salad on saltines?
Grayson Allen: What a pussy!
It’s about time Dems started taking a page out of the Repub playbook. Take no prisoners. They will try to destroy all that is good, so you may as well try to do everything in your power to make things harder on them. Trump has basically ripped up the playbook. He has made it easier for the next Dem president to go…
Looks like the “Kellyanne” is the new “Rachel”for the conservative crowd.
That is the exact scene going on in my head when I drop some knowledge on one of my Trump supporter buddies’ Facebook posts.
Well, silver lining, you could use some of the oil that will surely be bubbling up out of our drinking water on January 21st.
There is a big difference between panicking and going with the flow. But just ignoring it is out of the question.
Yes, exactly. I would say that as middle class white people in a blue state, we are pretty safe, which makes it all the more important for us to try to make a difference for those who maybe aren’t.
I feel like I am in a dream. A very long, vivid, bad dream. I have progressive friends laughing it up, joking about the CIA and how this is finally “coming home to roost”. Just can’t wrap my head around it.
I didn’t even read the article. The headline and the photo of Fisher with the angry old white guy crossed arms/mustache/tucked shirt into hiked up pants combo was really all I needed. Spot on. William Hayes doesn’t believe in dinosaurs!? Living proof right there!
I am actually getting ready to walk out of a 5 year relationship with a woman I love and respect. She doesn’t give a shit about any of this. And when I bring it up, she makes it seem like I am the crazy one. “You have to stop, there is nothing you can do about it! Just go with the flow”. I just can’t. HOW ARE PEOPLE…
One vote for La La Land. Haven’t seen it yet, but I feel as if that is where I wake up every morning when I read the news. Homer vote.
If there is a God, there would be a video of Madonna and Prince arguing over footwear. That is all I want for Christmas.
That is a purr-fect observation! God I hate myself.
No. Maybe there is a Democratic Veronica in the wings. Elizabeth Warren?
All I think about when watching Romney jumping at the carrot on the stick is the movie Heathers. They are totally mean girling him and he doesn’t even see it. Actually entertaining in a “look at those idiots” sort of way until you realize you are going down with them. Which Heather is KellyAnne?
As much as I would celebrate some type of Christmas Miracle, there just doesn’t seem to be anything here. The Clinton machine would have been all over this if it had merit. I am sure they were doing there work in the background. But if they go public with something like this and come up with air, it puts more wind in…
This. This is the scary part. This is more than just his silly beef with Broadway. This is concerted. Not to be a conspiracy guy but don’t you think someone in Trump’s braintrust knew exactly the reaction Pence would get? Gin up sympathy and bypass the “lamestream media” so his propaganda goes unchecked and unfiltered…
Don’t know that I have ever been more discouraged to be American. Had to visit my daughter at college to comfort her, although she comforted me just as much. Hard, really, to explain to her why so much of the country wishes people harm. The anger and fear are so palpable, and the powers that be are manipulating it…